Appendix 7: Chart of Psychological Traits of a Normal and Mature Person

In agreement and in line with different authors, there are many systematic charts of traits of a normal and mature person. We offer here an orientative synthesis:

1.   The world of values

The person, by means of the world of values, should place himself in the world in an adequate manner: that is, in his own, right and objective way. It should respond to the following questions:

–    Who Am I? It refers to the idea that the person has of himself. It should be based on the awareness of his objective personal value rather than on external factors: role, appreciation by others. It has to be a positive idea based on one’s real ability and not on a too critical opinion of himself. This will lead him to his own acceptance.

–    What should I reach? It refers to the values and goals one wishes to achieve. It implies to have a set of unified values that make up one’s philosophy of life that illumines the person’s behavior.

–    What are my chances? It affects the person’s trust in himself, his possibilities and his own freedom to plan his future adequately.

2.   Emotional and affective maturity

In the affective sphere, maturity would consist of the following personal traits:

–    To know how to differentiate well his own emotions without mistaking them: joy, fear, apprehension…

–    To be able to have emotional reactions adapted to the intensity of the stimulus. Undue coldness and sensibility are not good signs.

–    To have sufficient and positive control of emotional expressions, avoiding any kind of negative repressions.

–    Cultivating a sense of optimism, certainty and overcoming of fears and anxieties.

–    Developing positive feelings and attitudes of benevolence, love, friendliness and commitment…

–    Peaceful acceptance of his own sexual condition and normal interest for persons of the opposite sex.

3.   Social maturity

The person, essentially social in his psychological structure, fulfills himself fully with the following attitudes:

–    Knowledge and respect for the rights, needs and duties of others.

–    Understanding and tolerance of the cultures and values of others.

–    Ability to maintain autonomously his own positions and respect always the opinion of others.

–    Courage to be true, authentic, genuine and transparent.

–    Ability to communicate and collaborate with other persons, listening and trying to understand them.

4.   Intellectual and operative maturity

–    To have sufficient basis of cognitive experiences, of organized information in line with his trade and social position.

–    To have a great variety of cultural interests.

–    Flexibility to face the problems and solve them with creativity.

–    Concern for understanding the situations of life with a critical awareness about them.

–    Stable and consistent behaviour guided by an adequate world of values.

–    Capacity to make free and lasting options.