General Plan of Formation (GPF 2020)

GPF can quite fittingly be considered as the Magna Carta on Formation that the Congregation, as mother and teacher, offers to its members, and above all to its new missionaries. It gathers up the core essentials of our missionary life and high lights its dimensions: charismatic, Christocentric, ecclesial, cordimarian, and human.


Appendix 1



1.     Documents of the Magisterium on formation for the priesthood and the religious life

1.1.    Documents of the Second Vatican Council

1965:       Decree Optatam Totius on priestly formation (2 October).

1965:       Decree Perfectae Caritatis on the renewal of the religious life (28 October).

1965:       Decree Christus Dominus on the pastoral office of bishops in the Church (28 October).

1965:       Decree Presbyterorum Ordinis on the ministry and life of priests (7 December).

1965:       Decree Ad Gentes on the Church’s missionary activity (7 December).

1.2.    Post Conciliar Documents

1966:       PAUL VI, Motu Proprio Ecclesiae Sanctae II, norms for implementing the decree “Perfectae Caritatis” (6 August): AAS 58 [1966] 757-787.

1967:       PAUL VI, Motu Proprio Sacrum diaconatus ordinem general norms for the restoration of the permanent Diaconate in the Latin Church (18 June): AAS 59 (1967) 697-704.

1967:       PAUL VI, Encyclical Sacerdotalis Coelibatus on priestly celibacy (24 June): AAS 59 (1967) 657-697.

1968:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Note Les petites séminaires on minor seminaries (23 May): EV 1, 168-200.

1969:       SCRSI, Instruction Renovationis Causam on the updating of formation for the religious life (6 January: AAS 61 (1969) 103-120.

1969:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Letter on The Permanent Diaconate (16 July): EV 3, 834-837.

1969:       CONGREGATION FOR THE CLERGY, Circular letter Inter Ea on the ongoing formation of the clergy, especially the youngest (4 November): EV 3, 1745-1788.

1970:       CONGREGATION FOR DIVINE WORSHIP, Ordo professionis religiosae, the rite of religious profession (2 February): AAS 62 (1970) 553.

1970:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis, fundamental norms for the formation of future priests (6 January): AAS 62 (1970) 321-384.

1970:       SECRETARIAT FOR THE UNITY OF CHRISTIANS, Directory Spiritus Domini on ecumenism in higher education (16 April) AAS 62 (1970) 705-724.

1970:       CONGREGATION FOR THE EVANGELIZATION OF PEOPLES, Document on The vocation and formation of missionaries (4 November)

1971:       PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS, Pastoral instruction Communio et progressio on the communications media in formation (23 May): AAS 63 (1971) 593-656.

1971:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Circular letter on The enrolment of seminarians in secular universities (22 April): EV 4, 1446.

1971:       PAUL VI, Apostolic Exhortation Evangelica Testificatio on the renewal of the religious life acording to the teachings of Vatican II (29 June): AAS 63 (1971) 497-526.

1971:       SYNOD OF BISHOPS, Ministerial Priesthood (30 November 1967): AAS 63 (1971) 898-942.

1972:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Circular letter on The teaching of philosophy in seminaries (20 January): EV 4, 1516-1556.

1972:       PAUL VI, Motu Proprio Ministeria Quaedam on the ministries of acolyte and lector (15 August): AAS 64 (1972) 529-534.

1972:       PAUL VI, Motu Proprio Ad pascendum populum, norms on the diaconate (15 August): AAS 64 (1972) 534-540.

1973:       SCRSI, Formula of religious profession (14 February): EV 5, 457-459.

1974:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Educational guidelines for formation in priestly celibacy (11 April): EV 5, 190-194; 195-426.

1975:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Circular Letter on The teaching of Canon Law for aspirants to the priesthood (2 April): EV 5, 1221-1242.

1975:       SCRSI, Guideines and directives for the religious formation centers of Rome (16 May):EV 5, 816-823.

1975:       PAUL VI, Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi on evangelization in the modern world (8 December): AAS 68 (1976) 5-76.

1976:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, The theological formation of future priests (22 February): EV 5, 1166-1221.

1978:       SCRSI and CONGREGATION OF BISHOPS, Instruction Mutuae Relationes on relations between bishops and religious in the Church (14 May): AAS 70 (1978) 473-506.

1978:       SCRSI and CONGREGATION FOR THE EVANGELIZATION OF PEOPLES, Letter to men and women religious of Africa (3 June)

1979:       JOHN PAUL II, Apostolic Constitution Sapientia Christiana (15 April): AAS 71 (1979) 469-199.

1979:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Norms for implementing “Sapientia Christiana” (29 April): EV 6, 1455-1527.

1980:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Circular letter On some more urgent aspects of spiritual formation in seminaries (6 January): EV 7, 45-90.

1980:       SCRSI, Document Religious and Human Advancement (12 August): EV 7, 436-504.

1980:       SCRSI, Document The Contemplative Dimension of the Religious Life (12 August): EV 7, 505-537.

1981:       SCOC, SCRSI,SCEP AND SCCE, Concluding document of the II International Congress for Vocations (10-16 May).

1983:       Code of Canon Law (25 January).

1983:       SCRSI, Document Essential Elements of Church Teaching on the Religious Life in Institutes Dedicated to Works of the Apostolate (31 May): EV 9, 193-296.

1983:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Educational Guidelines on Human Love (1 November).

1983:      JOHN PAUL II, To the General Chapter of the Pontifical Institute of Foreign Missions on Missionary Formation (14 November).

1984:       SCRIS, Decree Religious Vows and Bonds (2 February): AAS 76 (1984) 500.

1984:       JOHN PAUL II, Apostolic Exhortation Redemptionis Donum, to men and women religious on their consecration in the light of the mystery of Redemption (25 March): AAS 76 (1984) 513-546.

1985:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis (19 March): EV 9, 918-1072.

1986:       JOHN PAUL II, Message to the plenary assembly of the Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes on The formation of brothers (24 January):AAS 78 (1986) 725-729.

1986:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Letter on Pastoral aspects of human mobility in the formation of future priests (25 January): EV 10, 5-24.

1986:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Guidelines for the formation of future priests regarding the media of social communication (19 March): EV 10, 79-195.

1986:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Letter on The admission of ex-seminarians to other seminaries (9 October): EV 10, 949-952.

1987:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Circular letter Studies on the Eastern Churches (6 January): EV 10, 1130-1149.

1987:       CONGREGATION FOR THE EVANGELIZATION OF PEOPLES, Circular letter Some directives on formation in major seminaries (25 April): EV 10, 1734-1750.

1988:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Circular letter The Virgin Mary in intellectual and spiritual formation (25 March): EV 11, 283-324.

1988:       JOHN PAUL II, Message to the plenum of the Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes on the formation of religious (1 December) AAS 81 (1989) 752-755.

1988:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Circular letter Guidelines for the study and teaching of the Church’s social teaching in the formation of priests (10 December).

1989:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Instruction Study of the Fathers of the Church in priestly formation (30 November): AAS 82 (1990) 607-636.

1989:       SYNOD OF BISHOPS, The formation of priest in the present situation. Guidelines.

1989:       Contents and methods of vocation ministry of men and women religious in Europe, Congress of Vienna sponsored by UCESM (Union of European Conferences of Superiors and Major Superiors), (8-12 October).

1990:       CIVCSVA, Instruction Potissimum Institutioni on formation in religious Institutes (2 February): AAS 82 (1990) 470-532.

1990:       JOHN PAUL II, Message to the Superior Council of Pontifical Missionary Works on missionary formation (4 May): AAS 82 (1990) 1530-1532.

1992:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION AND CIVCSVA, Development of vocation ministry in Particular Churches (6 January).

1992:       JOHN PAUL II, Post-synodal Apostolic Exhoration Pastores dabo vobis on the formation of priests in the present situation (25 March): AAS 84 (1992) 658-804.

1993:       PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN UNITY, Directory for implementing principles and norms on ecumenism (25 March).

1993:       PONTIFICAL BIBLICAL COMMISSION, Document The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church (15 April).

1993:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Directives on the preparation of formators in seminaries (4 November).

1994:       CIVCSVA, Document. Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor on fraternal life in community (2 February).

1994:      CONGREGATION FOR THE CLERGY, Directory on the ministry and life of priests (13 March).

1997:      PONTIFICAL WORK FOR ECCLESIASTICAL VOCATIONS, Final Document of the Congress on Vocations to the Priesthood and to Consecrated Life in Europe. NEW VOCATIONS FOR A NEW EUROPE. (5-10 May).

1998: CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION/CONGREGATION FOR THE CLERGY, Basic norms for the formation of permanent deacons. Directory for the ministry and life of permanent deacons (22 February).

1998:      CIVCSVA, Instruction: Inter-institute collaboration for formation (8 December).

2001:      JUAN PABLO II, Motu proprio Sacramentorum Sanctitatis tutela (30 April).

2001:       CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH, Letter Explains New Norms for Church
Handling of Certain Grave Offenses
(18 May).

2002:       CIVCSVA, Instruction: Starting afresh from Christ: A renewed commitment to consecrated life in the third millennium (19 May).

2003:       JOHN PAUL II, Apostolic Exhortation Pastores Gregis, On the bishop, servant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the hope of the world (16 October).

2004:       PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR JUSTICE AND PEACE, Compendium of the social doctrine of the Church (2 April).

2004:       PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR THE PASTORAL CARE OF MIGRANTS AND ITINERANT PEOPLE, Instruction Erga migrantes caritas Christi (The love of Christ towards migrants) (3 May).

2005:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Instruction. Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders (4 November).

2008:       CIVCSVA, Instruction. Faciem tuam, Domine, requiram. The service of authority and obedience (11 May).

2008:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Guidelines for the use of psychology in the admission and formation of candidates for the priesthood (28 June).  

2010:       CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH, Letter to the bishops…, regarding the modifications introduced in the Normae de gravioribus delictis (21 May).

2011:       CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Decree on the reform of ecclesiastical studies of philosophy (28 January).

2011:       CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH, Circular letter. To assist episcopal Conferences in developing Guidelines for dealing with cases of sexual abuses of minors perpetrated by clerics (3 May).

2012:      CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION, Pontifical Work for Priestly Vocations: Pastoral Guidelines for Fostering Vocations to Priestly Ministry (25 March).

2013:      CONGREGATION FOR THE CLERGY, Directory on the ministry and life of Priests [New edition] (11 February).

2013:      FRANCIS, Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium. On the proclamation of the Gospel in today’s world (24 November).

2014:      CIVCSVA, REJOICE! A letter to consecrated men and women. Year of consecrated life. A message from the teachings of Pope Francis (2 February).

2014:      CIVCSVA, Carta circular Escrutad a los consagrados y consagradas que caminan tras los signos de Dios (8 de septiembre).

2014:      FRANCIS, Address to the plenary of the Congregation for the Clergy (3 October).

2014:      FRANCIS, Apostolic letter: To all consecrated people. On the occasion of the year of consecrated life (21 november).

2015:      CIVCSVA, Instruction. Identity and mission of the religious brother in the Church (4 October).

2015:      CIVCSVA, Circular letter. Contemplate. To consecrated men and women on the trail of Beauty (15 October).

2016:      FRANCIS, Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia on love in the family (19 March).

2016:      PONTIFICAL COMMISSION FOR THE PROTECTION OF MINORS, Guidelines template (September).

2016:      CONGREGATION FOR THE CLERGY, Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis – The Gift of the Priestly Vocation (8 December).

2017:      CIVCSVA, New wine in new wineskins. The consecrated life and the ongoing challenges since Vatican II. Guidelines (6 January).

2017:      FRANCIS, Apostolic Constitution “Veritatis Gaudium” on ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (27 December).

2018:      CIVCSVA, Economy at the service of the Charism and Mission. Boni dispensatores multiformis gratiae Dei – Guidelines (6 January).

2018:      FRANCIS, Apostolic exhortation Gaudete et exultate on the call to holiness in the today’s world (19 March).

2018:      FRANCIS, Post-synodal apostolic exhortation Christus Vivit (25 March).

2019:      FRANCIS, Guidelines for the protection of children and vulnerable persons (26 March).

2019:      FRANCIS, Apostolic letter issued Moto Proprio Vos estis lux mundi (7 May).

2019:      APOSTOLIC PENITENTIARY, On the importance of the internal forum and the inviolability of the sacramental seal (21 June).

2020:      CIVSCSVA, Guidelines. The gift of fidelity. The joy of perseverance. “Remain in my love” (Jh 15, 9) (2 February).

2020:      CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH, Vademecum: On certain points of procedure in treating cases of sexual abuse of minors committed by clerics (16 July).

2020:      CONGREGATION FOR THE CLERGY, Instruction: The pastoral conversion of the Parish community in the service of the evangelising mission of the Church (20 July).

2020:      FRANCIS, Apostolic Letter Scripture sacrae Affectus on the sixteen hundreth anniversary of the death of Saint Jerome (30 September).

2020:      FRANCIS, Encyclical Fratelli Tutti on Fraternity and Social Friendship (3 October).

2.     Congregational Documents on Formation

2.1.    Documents by our Father Founder

1858:       Letter to the Missionary Theophilus.

1859:       Plan of Studies of the Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (12 August).

1860:       El colegial o seminarista teórica y prácticamente instruido (The theoretically and practically well-instructed collegian or seminarian), tomo I, Barcelona.

1861:       El colegial or seminarista teórica y prácticamente instruido, tomo II, Barcelona.

1862:       Autobiography.

1862:       Reglamento particular para los Estudiantes y Reglamento particular para el Pedagogo de los Estudiantes de la Congregación (28 July).

1862:       Reglamento para los Aspirantes, Probandos y Estudiantes de nuestra Congregación y sus respectivos Maestros (20 December).

1864:       La vocación de los niños. Cómo se han de educar e instruir (The Vocation of Boys: How they are to be educated and instructed), Barcelona.

1865:       The Continuation of the Autobiography.

1865:       Instrucción importantísima para los aspirantes a la Congregación de Misioneros Hijos del Immaculado Corazón de María (Most Important Instruction for Aspirants to the Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary). With a few changes, this work reproduces the “Instrucción importantísima” that Fr. Xifré wrote in 1862.

1849-:      Spiritual and Formative Texts of St. Anthony Mary Claret (collected by Fr. Jesús Bermejo in “Notebooks on Claretian Formation,” 4a and 4b, Prefecture General of Formation, Rome 1989).

2.2.    Documents of the Congregation

1862:       Joseph XIFRÉ, Most important instruction for aspirants to the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (20 June).

1862:       XIFRÉ, J., Most important maxims at all times and for all the missionaries, but more especially for those who are in the year of probation (September).

1864:       XIFRÉ, J., Instructio pro examine personali eorum qui in Congregationem Missionariorum Immaculati C.B.M.V. admitti postulant (August).

1886:       CLOTET, J., Regulation for studies of the Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (October).

1886:       CLOTET, J., Program of conferences for the adjutant brothers (October).

1888:       XIFRÉ, J., Spiritual practices for the use of the novices of the Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

1889:       XIFRÉ, J., Important advice to the professors of our colleges (3 November).

1890:       XIFRÉ, J., Important advice to the professed students (20 December).

1891:       XIFRÉ, J., Summary account of the Religious Institute of the Missionary Sons of the Heart of Mary (1 October). With some corrections, this account reproduces the “Most Important Instruction” of 1862.

1894:       XIFRÉ, J., Regulation for the Colleges for Postulants of the Institute of the Missionary Sons of the Imm. Heart of Mary (Later editions in 1900 and 1907).

1897:       GENERAL GOVERNMENT, Alphabetic Résumé of Dispositions Still in Force.

1900:       General Government, General Dispositions for the Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

1900:       GENERAL GOVERNMENT, Statuta pro Studiis Congregationis Filiorum Immaculati Cordis Beatae Mariae Virginis (25 August). Confirmed and published with some corrections in 1904, 1913 and 1916.

1906:       GENERAL GOVERNMENT, Mirror of the Postulant or Directory for the Postulants of the College of Vic (1st ed. publ. between 1906-1912; 2nd ed., publ. 1917, was extended to all Colleges of the Congregation. Other editions followed).

1911:       ALSINA, M., Circular on The Formation of Our Members (22 December).

1919:       ALSINA, M., Circular on Solid Formation of our Members in Virtue (5 March).

1919:       ALSINA, M., Circular on Formation of Character (1 June).

1925:       GENERAL GOVERNMENT, Codex Iuris Additicii [CIA].(Editions 1925, 1940 and 1953).

1929:       GENERAL GOVERNMENT, Ordo Studiorum Generalis pro Missionariis Congregationis Filiorim Immaculati Cordis Mariae Virginis [OSG] (12 November).

1931:       RIBERA, R., El novicio instruido. Engl. transl. “On the Threshold of the Religious Life” by Charles Fabing, Compton, California, 1938.

1932:       GARCÍA, N., Circular on The Formation of Our Students (16 April).

1937:       GARCÍA, N., Circular On Some Chapter Accords (18 December).

1938:       GARCÍA, N., Circular On the Missionary Vocation (28 May).

1938:       GARCÍA, N., Circular On the Conduct of the Superiors, Confessors and Others in Charge of Formation in our Colleges (5 June).

1940:       GARCÍA, N., Circular The Year of Religious and Missionary Perfection (11 February).

1943:       GARCÍA, N., Circular, The Missionary Priest (25 April).

1944:       GARCÍA, N., Circular, The Fathers Prefect of Postulants (November).

1944:       GARCÍA, N., Circular, The Fathers Prefect of Professed Students (November).

1944:       GARCÍA, N., Circular, Our Coadjutor Brothers (18 April).

1946:       GARCÍA, N., Circular Libraries (19 March).

1947:       GARCÍA, N., Circular Missionary and Claretian Religious Formation (5 June).

1955:       SCHWEIGER, P., Circular, De vocationibus cooptandis, seligendis, colendis et de dono propriae vocationis aestimando, on vocation ministry (25 August).

1959:       GENERAL GOVERNMENT, Ordo Studiorum Generalis [OSG], adapted to the Apostolic Constitution “Sedes Sapientiae”(7 March)

1959:       SCHWEIGER, P., Circular, De studiis in Congregatione impense forvendis, on studies in the Congregation (12 September).

1962:       GENERAL GOVERNMENT, Manual del Seminarista Claretiano.

1965:       SCHWEIGER, P., Circular, Instructio de clericorum vitae spiritualis formatione liturgica, on liturgical formation (9 February).

1965:       SCHWEIGER, P., Circular, Centenarium approbationis Pontificiae Nostrae Congregationis in luce Concilii Vaticani II, on the centenary of the approval of the Congregation (23 October).

1967:       XVII GENERAL CHAPTER, Decree on Formation (F1).

1970:       LEGHISA, A., Circular, To the Major Superiors of the Congregation on “Renovationis Causam” (5 March).

1970:       GENERAL GOVERNMENT, Decree The application of the Instruction “Renovationis Causam” to our Congregation (27 June).

1970:       LEGHISA, A., Circular, Criteria for a Right Formation, on formation of the missionary brothers (24 October).

1972:       LEGHISA, A., Letter Ordo professionis fratribus nostris proponitur, on the rite of profession in the Congregation (18 July).

1973:       General Government, Directory General (6 January).

1973:       LEGHISA, A., Circular On the restoration of the permanent diaconate in our Congregation (2 April).

1973:       XVIII GENERAL CHAPTER, Document on Formation (F2).

1975:       GENERAL GOVERNMENT, CMF Directory (7 May).

1976:       LEGHISA, A., Open Letter to the President of IBERIA De cursu formationis permanente, on ongoing formation (25 January)

1978:       LEGHISA, A., Circular The Heart of Mary and the Congregation at the Present Moment (3 April).

1979:       LEGHISA, A., Message to the participants in the Encounter of those in charge of vocation ministry in Latin America (20 April).

1979:       XIX GENERAL CHAPTER, The Mission of the Claretian Today.

1981:       ALONSO, G., Circular The Brothers and the Claretian Mission Today, on the mission and formation of the missionary brothers (19 March).

1981:       ALONSO, G., Essay Claret vivo, on the value of Claret’s Autobiography for the Congregation.

1982:       ALONSO, G., Circular The Renewed Constitutions, on the meaning of the renewed Constitutions for the Congregation (13 February).

1982:       GENERAL GOVERNMENT, CMF Directory (30 May).

1985:       ALONSO, G., Conference on The Claretian Priest in our post conciliar documents (19 May).

1985:       XX GENERAL CHAPTER, The Claretian in the Process of Congregational Renewal.

1986:       ALONSO, G., Message to Major Superiors, Government and Animation in the Constitutions, on the role of the CC in community animation (September).

1987:       ALONSO, G., Circular Marian Spirituality on the cordimarian experience of the Congregation (19 April).

1987:       GENERAL GOVERNMENT, CMF Directory (24 October).

1987:       PREFECTURE GENERAL OF FORMATION, Notebooks on Claretian Formation (16 notebooks published between 1987-1994).

1990:       PREFECTURE GENERAL OF FORMATION, Claretian Formative Itinerary.

1990:       ALONSO, G., Circular Claretians in Formation (25 December).

1991:       XXI GENERAL CHAPTER, Servants of the Word. Our Missionary Service of the Word in the new Evangelization.

1992:       BOCOS, A., Circular Missionary Testament of our Martyrs (31 May).

1992:       BOCOS, A., Father General’s Letter to Claretian Missionaries in Formation (24 October).

1997:       BOCOS, A., Circular, The missionary brothers. A challenge for the life and Mission of the Congregation (1 February).

1997:       XXII GENERAL CHAPTER, In Prophetic Mission. Prophetic Dimension of our Missionary Service of the Word.

1998:       GENERAL PREFECTURE OF FORMATION, Initiation in the Ministry of the Word.

2001:       BOCOS, A., “The essential way of interculturality”, in Anales Congregationis C.M.F. vol. 65 (Januario-Aprili 2001, p. 84-106 (10 March).

2001:       BOCOS, A., Circular letter Missionary Vocations for the third millenium (8 September). 

2002:       GENERAL PREFECTURE OF FORMATION, Cultivating our own vocation (8 June).

2002:       GENERAL PREFECTURE OF FORMATION, Initiation into the missionary life. Manual for the Claretian Novice, Engl. Translation by Robert Fath (16 July).

2002:       GENERAL PREFECTURE OF SPIRITUALITY, Our missionary Spirituality. Along the journey of God’s people.

2003:       XXIII GENERAL CHAPTER, That they may have life.

2003:       GENERAL PREFECTURE OF FORMATION, Formación profética claretiana (8 december).

2005:       ABELLA, J. M., Letter The person in charge of formation (19 March).

2006:       ABELLA, J. M., Circular Letter Witnesses and Messengers of the God of life. Promoting the priorities set by the XXIII General Chapter (31 May).

2007:       ABELLA, J. M., Circular Letter From remembrance to Commitment. On the occasion of the Bicentennial of the birth of Saint Anthony M. Claret (19 March).

2008:       ABELLA, J. M., Circular Letter Announcement of the XXIV General Chapter (19 March).

2009:       XXIV GENERAL CHAPTER, Men on fire with love. Called to live our missionary vocation today.

2011:       GENERAL GOVERNMENT, CMF Directory (24 October).

2012:       ABELLA, J. M., Circular Letter Missionaries (13 August).

2014:       ABELLA, J. M., Circular Letter Announcement of the XXV General Chapter (16 July).

2015:       XXV GENERAL CHAPTER, Missionarii Sumus. Witnesses and messengers of the joy of the Gospel.

2016:       VATTAMATTAM, M., Circular Letter Called to radiate the joy of the Gospel in the world today (20 November).

2017:       VATTAMATTAM, M., Conference Vocational Discernment in an Intercultural world: Claretian Experience (25 May).

2017:       VATTAMATTAM, M., Circular letter Missionaries to the end. On the beatification of the 109 Claretian Martyrs (13 August).

2019:       VATTAMATTAM, M., Circular Letter “My Spirit is for all the world”. Called and sent as missionaries in an intercultural world (15 October).

2020:       Encyclical Fratelli Tutti

2020:       GENERAL GOVERNMENT, Vademecum of the Claretian Missionaries: Manual for the protection of minors and vulnerable adults and the protocol for prevention and intervention in a crime of sexual abuse (1 January).

2020:       VATTAMATTAM, M., Circular Letter Announcement of the XXVI General Chapter (31 May).

2020:       VATTAMATTAM, M., Circular Letter Caritas Christi Urget Nos: Fidelity to the Charism of our Founder Today (24 October).

Appendix 2


1.     Formation for the Religious Life

1.1.  Postulancy or Prenovitiate

— Requisites for admission. Preparation                     c. 597

1.2. Novitiate

(i)  Admission to the novitiate                                              

–  Right of admission to the novitiate                         c.641

–  Basic personal qualities for admission                   c.642

–  Impediments invalidating admission                      c.643

–  Superiors’ denial of admission                               c.644

–  Testimonies and other information                         c.645

(ii) Characteristics of the novitiate

–  Nature and aims of the novitiate                            c.646

–  Designation and life in the novitiate and
outside of it                                               c.647

–  Duration of the novitiate                                        c.648

–  Absences and anticipation of first profession          c.649

(iii) Formation of novices

–  Formation plan and governance of novices            c.650

–  The novice master and the assistant                     c.651

–  Active participants, objectives and lines
of novices’ formation statute                                 c.652

–  Departure from the novitiate                            c.653 §1.

–  End of the novitiate. Extension                         c.653 §2

1.3. Religious Profession

–  Components of religious profession                       c.654

–  Limits of temporary profession                              c.655

–  Requisites for validity of temporary profession        c.656

–  Renewal extension of temporary profession and

              anticipation of perpetual profession           c.657

–  Requisites for validity of perpetual profession         c.658

–  Dispositions of temporal goods                             c.668

–  Notation of perpetual profession                       c.535 §2

1.4.  Formation of Religious

–  Formation after first profession: formation statute  c.659

–  Thrustlines of the formation statute                        c.660

–  Penance and spiritual direction                     cc.664; 630

–  Permanent or ongoing formation                           c.661

1.5.  Absence from Community and Separation from the Institute

(i)  Absence from community life

–  Characteristics and types of absence                    c.665

(ii) Departure from the Institute

–  General criterion                                          c.657 §1

–  Free definitive departure, on expiry of

          temporary vows                                    c.688 §1

–  Definitive departure, requested during

          temporary vows                                   c. 688 §2

–  Definitive departure, imposed on expiry of

          temporary vows                                         c.689

–  Definitive departure, requested during

          perpetual vows                                          c.691

–  The indult and its canonical effects            cc.692-693

–  Free readmission of former novices and

          former temporally professed                       c.690

(iii) Dismissal of members

–  “Ipso facto” dismissal                                            c.694

–  “Ab homine” dismissal, obligatory by law                c.695

–  “Ab homine” dismissal, not obligatory by law          c.696

–  Immediate expulsion from the religious house        c.703

–  Decree of dismissal                                     cc.699, 700

–  Canonical effects of dismissal                       cc.701-702

2. Formation for ordained ministries[1]

2.1. Admission of candidates

–  Conditions for admission                                  c.241

–  Prior training in humanities and sciences       c.234 §2

2.2.    Formation for orders

–  Candidates for permanent diaconate             c.236 §2

–  Priestly studies                                cc. 248-252, 254

–  Pastoral preparation                                cc. 255-258

2.3. Conditions in the ordinands

–  Conditions for validity                                      c.1024

–  Conditions for liceity                                       c.1025

2.4. Requisites on the part of the ordinands

–  Freedom of the candidate                               c.1026

–  Careful preparation                     cc.1027-1028, 1032

–  Human and religious qualities                          c.1029

–  Age and interval between orders                     c.1031

–  Pastoral practice                                        c.1032 §2

–  Forbidding access to ordination                       c.1030

2.5. Requisites prior to ordination

–  Reception of the sacrament of confirmation      c.1033

–  Reception and exercise of the ministries of

              lector and acolyte                           c.1035 §1

–  Interval before diaconate                            c.1035 §2

–  Handwritten personal declaration                     c.1036

–  Profession of faith                                        c.833 §6

–  Retreat                                                          c.1039

–  Special condition affecting deacons                 c.1038

2.6. Irregularities and impediments

(i) General criteria

–  Principle of interpretation                  c. 1040

–  Ignorance                                         c.1045

–  Different causes                                c.1046

–  Responsibility of the faithful               c.1043

(ii) Irregularities in receiving orders                             c.1041

(iii) Impediments to receiving orders                           c.1042

(iv) Irregularities in exercising orders                      c.1044 §1

(v) Impediments to exercising orders                      c.1044 §2

(vi) Dispensations:

–  In normal situations                           c.1047

–  Special cases                                   c.1048

–  Way of requesting them                    c.1049

2.7. Required documents, inquiry and dimissorial letters

(i)  Documents required before ordination                    c.1050

(ii) Inquiry on the qualities of the ordinand                   c.1051

(iii) Dimissorial letters:

–  Who grants them                              c.1019

–  When they are not to be granted        c.1020

–  Responsibility of the

             ordaining bishop           cc.1052, 1022

–  Validity of dimissorial letters              c. 1023

2.8. Registration and certificate of ordination

(i)  Authentic personal certificate of ordination         c.1053 §2

(ii) Notification to the pastor                                       c.1054

2.9. Incardination and excardination of those ordained

– Every cleric must be incardinated                               c.265

– Incardination of religious clergy                             c.266 §2

– Incardination of a religious cleric in a diocese             c.693

Appendix 3



1. Presentation

Our formandi pursue their studies in Claretian and non-Claretian academic centers of different sorts: seminaries, theological study centers, institutes, faculties and universities. They all have study plans governed by the norms of the Church’s universal law, such as the Code of Canon Law, the “Ratio Formationis Institutionis Sacerdotalis” and other Church documents[2], or by their own civil norms, as the case may be.

Here we offer some contents for the different stages and moments of Claretian formation. Except for the novitiate, which has its own complete plan of studies, the contents for the other stages concern academic and complementary pastoral formation, either because they relate to the charism of the Congregation or because they emphasize elements that enrich our missionary formation[3].

In its own formation plan, each Major Organism and zone of the Congregation should add themes and contents that are proper of them[4].

2. Methodology

–    Active and participative method.

–    Yearly programming.

–    Complementary formation can be adequately channeled through commissions and departments of: liturgy, audiovisuals, music, culture, sports, library and others.

3. Moments

–    Systematic conferences by the formator or formation team[5].

–    Courses organized by the formation community: during the school year or in peak times in vacations.

–    Courses organized by other institutions: normally during longer vacation periods.


As a general criterion, for the admission of those aspiring to the priesthood, the norm of universal law is to be followed, namely, that candidates have the same training in the humanities and sciences that young men of their own country need in order to go on to higher studies[6].

1. Human Formation

–    The meaning and development of human life.

–    Basic notions on maturity and personal adjustment.

–    Values and counter-values. A critical sense.

–    Emotions and sexuality.

–    Analysis of contemporary culture.

–    The communications media.

–    Methodology of study and intellectual work.

–    Prevention of contemporary addictions.

–    Study of ecclesiastical and contemporary protocols on child protection.

–    Timely experiences of psychotherapeutic accompaniment.

2. Christian Formation

–    The person and message of Jesus.

–    Systematic catechumenate on the creed and the sacraments.

–    A summary presentation of Christian spirituality.

–    Theoretical and practical initiation in Christian discernment of spirits.

–    Foundations of morals.

–    Notions on the liturgy.

–    Introduction to the reading of the Scripture and prayer (meaning, methods).

–    Mary, mother and model.

3. Claretian Formation

–    The religious vocation in the Church.

–    Introductory knowledge of our Founder’s life and of the Congregation.

–    A summary knowledge of the Claretian charism.

–    Theoretical-experiential initiation to community life.

–    Significant experiences of apostolic awareness

4. Specific Concepts of Law

–    Requisites for admission. Preparation.

–    Admission to the novitiate.

–    The law on admission to the novitiate.

–    Basic personal qualities for admission.

–    Impediments to validity of admission.

–    Denials of admission addressed to the superior.

–    Testimonials and reports.

5. Other elements

–    Musical preparation (song and instruments) and plastic arts.

–    Linguistic preparation.

–    Technical preparation.

–    Training in the responsible use of digital media


The plan of studies for the novitiate takes into account what is required of novices in the universal law of the Church[7] and in our own law[8], as well as the guidelines of the Congregational Magisterium[9].

1. Introduction to the Novitiate

–    The novitiate: nature, objectives and presuppositions.

–    Exposition of the formation plan (contents and experiences).

–    The novice-novice master relationship.

2. Vocation in the Church

2.1. Introduction: calls and following

–    The figure of Jesus in the Gospels.

–    The “Images of Jesus”.

–    The mystery of Christ and of the Church.

–    Manifold calls and responses in the mystery of salvation.

–    Forms of life in the Church. Articulation between charisms and ministries.

2.2. Religious vocation

–    Biblical-theological aspects of vocation.

–    Anthropology of vocation.

–    Psychopedagogy of vocation: motivations and attitudes.

3. The Claretian Religious Life

3.1. The religious life as consecrated life

–    Biblical foundations of the religious life.

–    Brief history of the forms of religious life.

–    Essential elements of the religious life in a biblical, theological, Claretian and psychopedagogical perspective:

–      Vocation.

–      Consecration.

–      Evangelical counsels or “charisms” (poverty, chastity, obedience).

–      Following Christ.

–      Charism.

–      Community.

–      Mission.

3.2. The Claretian missionary life

–    The figure of our Father Founder, especially as seen through his Autobiography.

–    History of the Congregation: founding, co-founders, first steps, development up to the death of our Founder.                                                                                      

–    Succinct history of the Congregation, of its members and most characteristic works. History of the Blessed Martyrs of

–    Barbastro. Most important documents of the Congregation.

–    The Claretian charism and spirit: the charism in our Father Founder; the charism in the Congregation.

–    The Constitutions and the Directory: the Constitutions as Claretian project for following Christ; genesis and contents.

–    The Claretian missionary virtues.

–    The three ways of living the one Claretian vocation (priests, deacons, brothers), and the different institutions that make up the Claretian Family.

4. Introduction to the Spiritual Life

4.1. Anthropological foundations of the spiritual life

–    The human person, open to God.

–    Human process and Christian realization.

–    “Spiritual experience” and personal dispositions.

4.2. The newness of Christian existence

–    Jesus Christ, the New Man, reveals the mystery of God and of humankind.

–    Grace as the Father’s “unconditional love” manifested in Jesus Christ.

–    Human beings created in the image of God. Dignity of the person.

–    Sinful condition. Meaning and consequences.

–    The renewing action of the Spirit in the believer, in the Church and in the world.

–    Dynamics of the life of grace: the theological virtues.

–    Growth in the spiritual life: freedom, responsibility, discernment.

5. Introduction to Liturgy

–    Nature of Liturgy and of the Church’s worship.

–    Liturgical year, the Liturgy of the Eucharist and the Hours. Place in the Constitutions.

–    Practical questions on sharing in the Liturgy of the Eucharist and of the Hours.

6. Introduction to Prayer

–    Biblical and theological foundations.

–    Prayer in the overall picture of the spiritual life.

–    Prayer in the Claretian charism.

–    Personal prayer and community prayer.

–    Methods and techniques of prayer and meditation (prayer with the Word, meditation).

7. Introduction to Cordimarian Spirituality

–    Mary in the mystery of Christ and of the Church.

–    Marian elements in Christian spirituality.

–    Mary, model of consecrated womanhood.

–    Cordimarian spirituality: the Heart of Mary in the Claretian’s missionary life.

–    Updating expressions of Marian spirituality and means for intensifying it.

8. Introduction to the Claretian Mission

–    The evangelizing Church.

–    The mission of religious in the Church.

–    The apostolic mission of the Claretian (MCT, CPR, SW, IPM, TMHL, MFL, MS).

–    Justice, Peace and Integrity of the Creation (JPIC):  priority dimension of the Claretian mission.

–    Practical orientations for the apostolate.

–    Apprenticeship in some techniques of the apostolate.

9. Special Themes in the Law

–    The outline of Appendix 2 can serve as a basic program.

–    It should be complemented with other elements, such as: CIC 662-672, 673-683 and 684-685, 686-687.

10. Other Elements

–    Musical formation.

–    Manual skills, practical offices and domestic services

–    Information on the current state of the Congregation and of the Province: General Government, formation, apostolate, economy.

–    Other circumstantial themes that ought to be determined.


Plans for this stage of formation take into account the indication of the universal law[10], the Second Vatican Council[11], of the “motu proprio” Ecclesiae Sanctae[12], and of our own law[13].

1. Philosophical, Theological and Pastoral Formation

Philosophical, theological and pastoral formation is regarded as included in the plans of studies followed in the different academic centers where our members study. In case they do not figure in these plans of studies, the subjects mentioned next should be imparted in our own formation centers.

–    Mariology.

–    Missiology.

–    Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue

–    Communications skills.

–    Specialized pastoral ministry.

–    Techniques for the analysis of reality.

2. Specifically Claretian Formation

2.1. Deepening our knowledge of our Founder

–    Critical study of his life and works.

–    Different monographic themes, such as: his martyr-witness, the presence of Mary in his life and missionary action, his missionary style, Claret’s apostolic creativity, his promotion of the lay apostolate, his role in the Spanish Church.

2.2. Broadening our knowledge of the history of the Congregation

–    Period of consolidation.

–    Period of expansion.

–    Present situation.

2.3. Deepening our study of the Constitutions

–    Historical development of our Constitutions.

–    Renewal of the Constitutions after Vatican II.

–    Interdisciplinary analysis of our Constitutions.

–    Study and comparison of the great themes of Claretian life: religious vows, community life, mission and apostolate, etc.

–    Inculturating the Constitutions.

–    Reading the Constitutions in a lay, diaconal or presbyteral key.

2.4. Study of the renewal documents of the Congregation

–    General Chapters of 1967 and 1973.

–    The MCT: the major themes of the mission of the Claretian today.

–    The CPR: the Claretian person in renewal.

–    The SW: Servants of the Word.

–    The IPM: In Prophetic Mission

–    The TMHL: That they may Have Life.

–    The MFL: Men on Fire with Love.

–    The MS: Missionarii Sumus.

3. Other Elements

–    Studies in economy and administration[14].

–    Artistic formation (musical, literary and plastic arts).

–    Study of languages.

–    Audiovisual techniques. (Information Technology Management and Communication)

–    Manual skills and practical offices.

–    Other circumstantial themes that ought to be determined.


1.   As a point of departure, the missionary brother should, whenever possible, complete the primary and secondary secular studies proper of each country.

2.   His pastoral and technical training should be aimed at obtaining, in appropriate institutions and centers, the preparation and titles needed in line with our mission, in keeping with the qualities of the formandus and the needs of the Major Organism and the Congregation[15].

–    Among pastoral specializations one might list: biblical pastoral, catechesis, liturgy, youth ministry, professorship in religion, missiology and others.

–    Among the specialties of professionalization stand out: psychology, pedagogy, humanities, social sciences, science and others.

–    Among technical specializations one might include: secretarial studies and skills, administration, hostelry, social welfare, mechanics, infirmary and apprenticeship in other manual offices useful for mission.

3.   The theological formation of the missionary brother should aim, depending on the qualities of the formandus, at achieving one of the following possibilities:

–    Studying the complete course of theology to receive the corresponding degrees.

–    Studying a general three-year program of theology to receive a specific diploma.

–    Studying special themes, in keeping with what was indicated above[16].

4.   Specifically Claretian formation will have the same program indicated above[17].

5.     Other elements

–    Musical and artistic formation.

–    Study of languages.

–    Audiovisual techniques.

–    Economic concepts: budgets, balances.

–    Manual skills and practical offices: typewriting, using computers, bookbinding and domestic services.

–    Other circumstantial themes that should be determined.


From a normative point of view, besides the norms of universal law contained in the CIC, in the RFIS and in other Church documents that must always be taken into account, the points of reference of our own law are as follows:

–    For perpetual profession: Dir 241.

–    For the formation of deacons and priests: Dir 242-243.

–    For specialization: Dir 245-247.

1. Program of Preparation for Perpetual Profession

1.1. The program of review and preparation for perpetual profession, which includes the principal aspects of religious and Claretian life, must have a markedly experiential aspect in keeping with the life led during the stage of temporary vows.

1.2. Program of review and preparation for perpetual profession:

–    The personal Claretian vocation of the formandus. Origin. Signs of vocation. Personal vocational itinerary.

–    Balance sheet of the formative period. Positive and negative experiences.

–    The fundamental perpetual option. Characteristics. Personal situation facing the perpetual option. Foreseeable outlooks.

–    Personal living of the Claretian project.

–    The Constitutions and their personal assimilation.

–    Balance sheet of the following aspects:

–    Biblical bases on which it is grounded.

–    Radical following of and conformity with Christ.

–    Claretian poverty.

–    Claretian chastity. Awareness of the criteria and protocols of the church (RFIS 202) and the Congregation regarding the protection of minors and persons vulnerable, as well as crimes against the vow of chastity.

–    Claretian obedience.

–    Claretian community.

–    Fundamental features of our charismatic identity: MFL and MS.

–    The Congregation at present: persons and works. Knowledge and frequentation of the sources of the Congregational development: Annales, NUNC, Congregational digital networks.

–    Personal project looking toward the future. Elaboration and habit of evaluation.

2. Programs for Ministries and Holy Orders

2.1. Program for ministries

–    Knowledge of the functions of lector and acolyte.

     Knowledge of the demands of lector and acolyte.

–    Study of the liturgical norms proper to the functions of lector and acolyte: proclaiming the Word, serving at the altar, distributing the Eucharist; as well as exercise in catechesis, evangelization, and service to others[18].

–    Study of Paul VI’s “motu proprio” Ministeria Quaedam and of the ritual for the conferral of ministries, following the indications of the RFIS[19].

2.2. Program of immediate preparation for the diaconate

–    History of the diaconate. New Testament data. The diaconate in the primitive Church. The diaconate in the first ecclesiastical writers.

–    Theology and sacramentality of the diaconate. Diaconal offices.

–    Current situation of the diaconate. Restoration of the permanent diaconate. The theological-pastoral discussion on the diaconate since the recent Synods of the Church.

–    The deacon in the post-conciliar renewal of the CMF Constitutions.  The Claretian dimension of the diaconal functions.

–    Study of the liturgical ritual: rite of ordination of deacons, of celebrating the sacrament of matrimony, on celebrating the sacrament of baptism and eucharistic worship outside of Mass.

–    Liturgy of the Hours. Theology, spirituality and liturgical norms.

2.3. Program of immediate preparation for the priesthood

(i) Theological section:

–    The ordained ministry in the biblical sources of the Old and New Testaments.

–    The ordained ministry in the process of development of the faith of the Church.

–    The priesthood in Vatican II. Functions and demands.

–    Presbyteral ministry in a church as a “home and school of communion “[20].

–    Religious life and priesthood.

–    Charismatic characteristics of the Claretian priest.

(ii) Spiritual section:

–    Vocation of priests to holiness configured to Christ the Head, Shepherd, Servant and Spouse[21].

–    Spiritual demands on the priest.

–    Means and dynamics for priestly sanctity.

–    Temptations of ordained ministers: clericalism, abuse of power, neglect of ongoing formation, etc.

(iii) Liturgical section:

–    Celebration of the sacrament of orders.

–    Celebration of the sacrament of penance.

–    Celebration of the anointing of the sick.

–    Celebration of confirmation. Conditions for its being administered by a priest.

–    Celebration of the Eucharist. Study of the ritual and of liturgical norms.

(iv) Pastoral section:

–    The family, the parish, the accompaniment of persons, and other areas of the exercise of priestly ministry[22]

–    Summary and practical review of moral and pastoral criteria regarding the sacrament of Reconciliation.

–    Pastoral and pedagogical guidelines for confession.

–    Guidelines for spiritual direction.

Appendix 4


This appendix offers an orderly presentation of all the documents and reports required throughout all stages of formation. For some of them, there are models of form letters that can also serve as a source of ideas for cases in which no specific form letter is offered.

1. Pre-novitiate: Aspirancy and Postulancy[23]

–    Written petition for entry submitted by candidate to Major Superior[24].

–    Report by the person who has accompanied him. Content of this report[25] (Form 1).

–    Admission by Major Superior[26].

–    Candidate’s written declaration, once he is admitted, on working contracts and impediments. Content of this declaration[27] (Form 2).

2. Novitiate

–    Written petition for admission submitted by candidate to Major Superior a month in advance[28].

–    It should state that he has no impediment[29] and that it is his will to become a Claretian[30] (Form 3).

–    Report by the one responsible for the postulant. Contents: adequate preparation[31], qualities and absence of impediments[32].

–    Certificates of birth[33], baptism, confirmation and free status and, if necessary, the testimony of his former superior[34].

–    Periodic reports of the Novice master to the Major Superior[35]. These can be either oral or written.

3. Professions

3.1. Before First Profession

–    Written petition submitted by the novice to the Major Superior three months before the completion of the novitiate. Contents[36] (Form 4).

–    Report of the Novice master on the novice’s fitness to be a Claretian Missionary[37] (Form 5).

     Reports from the formation community[38] (Form 6).

–    Transfer of the administration of the heritage[39] (Form 7).

–    Admission by the Major Superior with his Council[40].

     Renunciation of goods and draft of valid will[41].

3.2. Temporary Renewals

–    Written petition to the Major Superior three months before the date of expiry[42] (Form 8).

–    Reports from the Prefect and formation team on the fitness of the professed[43] (Form 6).

     Reports from the formation community[44] (Form 6).

–    Admission by the Major Superior after hearing his Council[45].

3.3. Before Perpetual Profession

–    Written petition to the Major Superior six months before the date set for perpetual profession[46] (Form 8).

–    Time of special preparation, in the manner and place set by the Major Superior[47].

–    One month before perpetual profession, the professed will write to Father General about his missionary dispositions, and the Major Superior will send Father General a complete file on the professed[48].

–    Reports from the Prefect and from the formation team[49] (Form 9).

–    Reports from the formation community[50] (Form 6).

–    Admission by the Major Superior with his Council[51].

3.4. Records and Registry

–    A record of each profession must be kept in a register[52].

–    A notice of professions must be sent to the higher levels of government[53] and to the pastor of the place where the perpetually professed member was baptized[54].

4. Ministries and Holy Orders

4.1. Ministries

–    At the beginning of his theological studies and at a prudent time after his religious profession, the candidate submits a written petition for ministries to the Major Superior. Contents: statement that the candidate is asking for them freely and spontaneously and that he has a firm will to serve God and the Christian people faithfully[55] (Form 10).

–    Report by the Superior or Prefect in charge, regarding the fitness of the candidate. Contents: that the candidate has the age and special qualities indicated by the Bishops’ Conferences.

–    Admission by the Major Superior and possibly the conferral of ministries by the same Major Superior[56].

4.2. Holy Orders

–    For each Order, the candidate submits a petition and a signed declaration written in his own hand to his Major Superior, according to the tenor of canon 1036 (Forms 11 and 13).

–    The certifications indicated in canon 1050: of the completion of studies; of the reception of the ministries of lector and acolyte, and of the corresponding interval before the Diaconate; of the reception of Diaconate, before the Priesthood; and of the special declaration indicated above[57].

–    Certification that the candidate has made perpetual profession before receiving the Diaconate[58].

–    The candidate must personally make a profession of faith before receiving the Diaconate[59] (Form 12).

–    Inquiry (scrutiny) by Superiors and Prefects before each Order, regarding the fitness of the ordinands[60]. Contents[61]. (Form 14).

–    Reports from the members of the community before each Order[62] (Form 14).

–    Assurance that the candidate has duly made the prescribed retreat[63] (Form 15).

–    Dimissorial letter for each Order[64], given by the Major Superior[65] (Form 15).

4.3. Notification of Orders

The ordaining bishop must give each of the ordained an authentic certificate of the ordination received[66].

The Major Superior must send notification of the ordination to the pastor of the place where the ordained person was baptized[67].

Form 1


1. General Personal Data

1.    Name:

2.    Complete address:

3.    Telephone number, e-mail, and/ or digital contacts:

4.    Date of birth (month, day, year):

      Place of birth:

5.    Present nationality:

6.    Date of baptism (month, day, year):

      Place of baptism:

7.    Date of confirmation (month, day, year):

8.    Civil status (single, widower):

9.    Military service. Present situation:

10. Observations

2. Family Data

1.    Name and age of father:

      Living or deceased?:


2.    Name and age of mother:

      Living or deceased?:


3.    Brothers or sisters. Age of each of them:


4.    Place the candidate holds in the order of brothers/sisters:

5.    Other family members:

6.    Family’s state of health:

      Any hereditary diseases?:

7.    Economic level of the family. Description:

      Does his family need his economic help?:

8.    Family relationships. Describe them:

      Relationships with father and mother:

9.    Educational level of the family:

10.  Christian life of the family. Describe it:

11. Family’s reaction to his possible vocation:

      Describe it briefly:

12. Observations:

3. Specific Personal Data

3.1. Physical and mental health

3.1.1. General description:

3.1.2. Physical illnesses or defects:

3.1.3. Interest in sports:

3.1.4. Mental illnesses or defects: Has he had psychological or psychiatric treatment?

3.1.5. Observations:

3.2. Studies

3.2.1. Primary studies. Which and where?:                                            Certificates:

3.2.2. Secondary studies. Which and where?:                                       Certificates:

3.2.3. University studies. Which and where?:

3.2.4. Other studies:

3.2.5. Observations:

3.3. Work experience

3.3.1. Present occupation:                    Description:                               Time and place:

3.3.2. Past occupations:                        Description:                               Times and places:

3.3.3. Special inclinations:                                                                    Which?:

3.3.4. Observations:

3.4. Social relationships

3.4.1. Personal traits of sociability:                                                       Description:

3.4.2. Belonging to groups of male/female friends:                                 Characteristics:

3.4.3. Belonging to other groups:                                                          Characteristics:

3.4.4. Observations:

3.5. Christian life

3.5.1. Catholic: lifelong or a convert?:                      If a convert, describe the conversion:

3.5.2. Prayer life:

3.5.3. Scripture reading:


3.5.4. Sacrament of Penance:

3.5.5. Sacrament of Eucharist:

3.5.6. Personal accompaniment:

3.5.7. Apostolic commitment:                                                               Characteristics:

3.5.8. Participation in parish life:

3.5.9. Feelings regarding the Church:

3.5.0. Observations:

3.6. Vocational itinerary

3.6.1. Birth of awareness of vocation:                                                   Description:

3.6.2. Reasons and motives for wanting to be a missionary:

3.6.3. Previous stays in a seminary or congregation:

         Names of the institutions:                Times and places:                  Persons:

3.6.4. Choice of the Claretian Congregation.


3.6.5. Has he had any kind of vocational accompaniment?

         Where and with whom?:

3.6.6. Do you believe he has any impediments to becoming a Claretian Missionary? If so, what are they?:

3.6.7. Does he have any obligations that might hinder his being a Claretian Missionary? If so, what are they?:                                           Can they be overcome?:

3.6.8. Observations:                                                                            

3.7. Personal referrals

3.7.1. Indicate three persons other than his family who know him well. If possible these should include some priest or religious man or woman.

3.7.2. Data on these people: Name and surname,

         address, telephone, occupation and

         reasons for their mutual acquaintance.

First reference  

Second reference         

Third reference 

Date and signature of formator

Form 2

(cf. CIC 597; CC 59; Dir 190)

Very Rev. ……………………………

Major Superior of …………………

I, ………………………., admitted as a Postulant in the Congregation of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretian Missionaries), on the … of ……, in the year ……..,


1.   That my entry into the Congregation and any tasks that I perform in it are not in the nature of a work contract.

2.   That if I later leave the Congregation, I will not be able to demand any compensation for works I have done or for damages I may have incurred during my stay in it.

3.   That I am not aware of having any impediment to entering the Congregation (cf. CIC 597).

4.   That I assume, from now on, the behaviours inherent to this lifestyle and therefore I am aware of not carrying out any action that implies inappropriate sexual behaviour in the civil and canonical sphere. That I am not responsible for inappropriate behavior in sexual matters and that I know and accept the norms in force for the protection of minors and vulnerable adults and the congregational protocol for the prevention and intervention in the face of a crime of sexual abuse (Cf. Dir 190; Protocol 7, 21-22).

5.   That I am not liable for economic crimes (Cf. Dir 190).

In witness whereof, I sign this declaration on the ……day of ……, in the year …….


Form 3

(Cf. CIC 643; Dir 199, 200, 201)

Very Rev. …………………..

Major Superior of …………..

I, …………………………………, a postulant in this Congregation and Province, with due respect, hereby

SUBMIT that on the ….. day of the coming month of …….., I desire to begin the experience of the novitiate in ……………….. .

In conformity with the universal law of the Church (cf. CIC 643), I declare that I have no impediment. I likewise declare that I want to be a Claretian Missionary (cf. Dir 198).

I FREELY AND SPONTANEOUSLY ASK you and your Council to admit me to begin the novitiate.

This favor I confidently hope to obtain.

In …………, at ……… on the ….. of……….


Form 4

(Cf. Dir 201, 217)

Very Rev. ……………………..

Major Superior of …………..

Very Rev. Father Provincial:

As the completion of the time of probation is near at hand, in compliance of the norms established in the Code of Canon Law and in the Directory of our Congregation, I am writing you most sincerely and respectfully, and I hereby


1.   That I seek admission, fully aware of what I am doing, in good faith and freely, that is, without guile or fraud, and without being subject to fear or force.

2.   That I have a sincere will to profess and remain in the Congregation until death, unless before my perpetual profession I should be overcome by some obstacle which I cannot foresee at present.

3.   That I am unaware of having or concealing any excluding impediment or notable defect that could stand in the way of my admission or profession.

4.   That I am not responsible for misconduct in sexual matters and that I know and accept the regulations in force for the protection of minors and vulnerable adults and the congregational protocol for the prevention and intervention in cases of sexual abuse (Cf. Dir 190; Protocol 7, 21-22).

5.   That I am not liable for economic crimes (Cf. Dir 190).

6.   That I gladly accept all the obligations that religious life entails, as practiced or professed in this Congregation; disassociating myself from any possible crime or illicit behavior that would contravene its religious or civil norms.

7.   That since religious profession is not in the nature of a work contract between the religious and the Institute, my efforts and services on behalf of the Congregation will be gratuitous; and that I will claim nothing by way of indemnification, damages or prejudices incurred, both so long as I remain in the Congregation or in case I leave it. Indeed, anything that I receive for a work or in consideration of my person (outside my family patrimony), I receive for the Congregation.

8.   That I am at present aware of being called to be a Claretian Missionary according to the (priestly / diaconal / lay) vocation.

Having made this declaration, I

ASK you and your Council to grant me the favor of being admitted to make my first religious profession in the Congregation.

In …………, at ……… on the ….. of……….


Form 5


REPORT on the fitness of the novice,    
for his first profession,
given by the Novice master,      
on the ……… day of ……..         

1.   Physical and mental health. Possible impediments.

2.   Degree of maturity achieved in order to live the commitments of the religious life.

3.   Character for the religious life, especially for community life.

4.   Most outstanding qualities.

5.   Assimilation of the Claretian life.

Participation and active collaboration.

Capacity for renunciation and detachment from other values not in conformity with the Claretian project.

6.   Claretian apostolic spirituality:

Life of personal and community prayer. Sacramental life.

Service of the Word.

Cordimarian living.

Love for and fidelity to the Church.

Apostolic thrust. Availability.

Capacity for work.

Apostolic virtues.

7.   Living of the religious vows: poverty, chastity and obedience.

8.   Studies. Capacity and progress. Knowledge of the reality of the Congregation.

9.   Possible future in the Congregation and in the Church.

10. Other indications and suggestions.

11.  Final evaluative judgment.


Form 6

(cf. Dir 227; CIC 657 §1)

REPORT on                 

for his (first, or renewal of) profession,

given by                       


on the ……… day of ……..

1.   Physical and mental health.

2.   Maturity for living the commitments of the religious life.

3.   Character for the religious life, especially for community life.

4.   Most outstanding qualities.

5.   Criteria for the religious and Claretian life.

6.   Claretian apostolic spirituality:

Life of personal and community prayer. Sacramental life.

Service of the Word.

Cordimarian living.

Love for and fidelity to the Church.

Apostolic thrust. Availability.

Capacity for work.

Apostolic virtues.

7.   Living of the religious vows: poverty, chastity and obedience.

8.   Studies. Capacity and progress.

9.   Possible future in the Congregation and in the Church.

10. Other indications.

11. Final evaluative judgment. Suggestions.


Form 7

(CF. CC 27; DIR 220)

NN ………….. in conformity with the norms (the proper law) of the Congregation of the Missionaries Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in which I wish to make my profession by taking the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, I freely cede the administration of all the goods of which I am the owner (they can be enumerated) and also freely dispose of the use and usufruct of them to …………..

Date and signature of the novice

Form 8


Very Rev. …………………….

Major Superior of ………….

I, ……….. (priest, student or brother), a temporally professed member in this Congregation and Province, with due respect,

SUBMIT that on the … day of the month of ……, in the year ………..

the time will come for me to (to renew for a year or make my perpetual) religious profession, which I first made in

on the … day of the month of ….., in the year …………………………..

In compliance with our Directory, and with a firm decision to live in the Congregation until death and to faithfully observe its Constitutions and dispositions,

I FREELY AND SPONTANEOUSLY ASK you and your Council to admit me to the renewal (or perpetual profession) of my vows.

This favor I confidently hope to obtain.

In …………, at ……… on the ….. of          


NOTE: The form requesting perpetual profession can be accompanied by a letter to the Major Superior in which the petitioner for profession spontaneously sets forth his personal situation (his assessment of the formation process, his motives for wanting to profess and his expectations for the future).

Form 9

(cf. CIC 657 §1)

REPORT on     

for his perpetual profession, given by    


on the ………… day of the month of ……………, in the year…………….

DECLARATION: In order to help the superiors form a more adequate discernment of this candidate’s vocation, I am following my conscience in offering this report on the following aspects:

1. Personal file:

–    Age, birthplace, etc. (anything else that may be relevant).

–    How many years as a religious, number of professions, date of first profession.

–    Studies completed.

–    Physical and mental health. Possible weak spots.

–    Overall character traits: emotional state, activity, leader or follower.

2. Human maturity

–    Overall evaluation of his human maturity.

–    Most notable advances, if known, since the novitiate. Most significant setbacks.

–    Human qualities (sincerity, fidelity, good heartedness, solidarity, moderation, self control, love of work, flexibility of spirit, strength of character, concern for justice).

–    Psychological balance (acceptance of self and others, discipline of spirit, tolerance of frustration, firmness and constancy of mind, sense of guilt, ability to cope with loneliness and failures in a constructive way…).

–    Sexual and emotional maturity (present emotional bonds with men and women, harmonizing the need to love and be loved, ability to sublimate, etc.).

–    Maturity of judgment.

–    Intellectual ability.

–    Communicative capacity: verbal, corporal, of ideas and feelings.

–    Other qualities: capacity for dialogue, openness with formators, serviceability, tact, capacity for creativity and initiative.

–    Outlook for the future.

3. Spiritual maturity

–    Overall assessment of his spiritual and faith life. Overall thrust of his spirituality.

–    Most notable advances, if known, since the novitiate. Most significant setbacks.

–    Feeling for God and neighbor (especially for the poor).

–    Concern for his own holiness.

–    Sacramental life (Eucharist and Penance); living of the missionary virtues; active participation in community prayer; achievement of the habit of personal prayer, and of listening to and receiving the Word.

–    Cordimarian living.

–    Love for and fidelity to the Church.

–    A witnessing style of life.

–    Acceptance of the Constitutions in practice.

–    Outlook for the future.

4. Community life

–    Overall assessment of his capacity for community life.

–    Most notable community behaviors. Most specific role he plays in the community.

–    Most outstanding qualities.

–    Acceptance of intermediaries.

–    Ability to live in accord with a community project.

–    Outlook for the future.

5. Evangelical commitments (poverty, chastity, obedience)

–    Overall assessment.

–    The most important criteria for each of them.

–    Most notable criteria on each one of them. His deep motivations (evangelical renunciation? coping with frustration?…).

–    Outlook for the future.

6. Apostolic life

–    Overall assessment: criteria, praxis, motivations, availability.

–    Service of the Word. Most significant apostolic experiences carried out (if known). General assessment.

–    Outlook for an apostolic future in the Congregation.

7. Vocational integration.

–    Overall evaluation of his vocational development and present maturation.

–    Degree of his resolving traumas or crises he has undergone.

–    Personalizing of Claretian vocational values.

–    Outlook for the future.

8. Other aspects

–    Criteria of orientation for the future to be borne in mind by the Major Superior.

–    Overall final assessment.


Form 10

(cf. Motu proprio “Ministeria Quaedam,” VIII)

Very Rev. ……………………….

Major Superior of …………….

I, ……………………………………………………………………………………


a (temporally / perpetually) professed (student / brother),             am …………. years old, and (am presently making / or have already completed) my studies in ………… [and was already installed in the Ministry of Lector on the … day of the month of … in the year ….], with due respect

SUBMIT that I am freely and spontaneously petitioning to be installed in the Ministry of ……….., and that I have a firm will to faithfully serve God and the Christian people on the … day of the month of ……, in the year …..,

I THEREFORE ASK you and your Council to grant me the favor of receiving this Ministry on the coming date of …….. in the city of ……..

Praying that the Lord and the Heart of Mary may bless you,

In …………, at ……… on the ….. of……….


Form 11


Very Rev. ………………………………

Major Superior of ……………………

I, ……….., a perpetually professed student, am ….. years old, and am presently making my studies in ………… have been installed in the Ministries of Lector and Acolyte on the …. day of … in the year …., and on the … day of … in the year …, and I hereby


1.   That I request and desire to be admitted to the Order of Diaconate (cf. CIC 1036).

2.   That I have a due knowledge of what relates to that Order and of the obligations that it entails (cf. CIC 1028).

3.   That I am going to receive it freely and spontaneously (cf. CIC 1036).

4.   And that I will dedicate myself perpetually to the ecclesiastical ministry (cf. CIC 1036).

I THEREFORE ASK you and your Council to grant me the favor of being ordained a Deacon on the coming date of ……..

This favor I confidently hope to obtain.

In …………, at ……… on the ….. of……….


Form 12

(cf. CIC 833 §6)

I, N.N., firmly believe and profess each and all of the things that are contained in the Symbol of Faith, namely:

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all that is seen and unseen. I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father, through whom all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven. By the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered, died and was buried. On the third day he rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

I furthermore acknowledge each and all those matters on the teaching of faith and morals that have been defined by the solemn declaration of the Church or affirmed and declared by its ordinary magisterium, in the sense in which they are proposed by the Church, principally those relating to the mystery of the Holy Church of Christ, to its sacraments, to the Sacrifice of the Mass, and to the Primacy of the Roman Pontiff.

Form 13

(cf. CIC 1028, 1036)

Very Rev. ………………………..

Major Superior of ……………..

I, ……….., a perpetually professed student, am ….. years old, and am presently making my studies in …………, was ordained a Deacon on the … day of … in the year . …, and do hereby


1.   That I request and desire to be admitted to the Order of Presbyterate (cf. CIC 1036).

2.   That I have a due knowledge of what relates to that Order and of the obligations that it entails (cf. CIC 1028).

3.   That I am going to receive it freely and spontaneously (cf. CIC 1036).

4.   And that I will dedicate myself perpetually to the ecclesiastical ministry (cf. CIC 1036).

I THEREFORE ASK you and your Council to grant me the favor of being ordained a Priest on the coming date of ……..

This favor I confidently hope to obtain.

In …………, at ……… on the ….. of……….


Form 14

(cf. CIC 1025, 1029, 1031, 1051; Dir 241, 243 b)

REPORT on ………., (a perpetually professed student or deacon)…..

for ordination to the (diaconate or priesthood),

submitted by.

on the ….. day of the month of …. in the year …..

DECLARATION: In order to help the superiors form a more adequate discernment of this candidate’s vocation, I am following my conscience in reporting that he has none of the irregularities or impediments indicated in the universal law of the Church (cf. CIC 1040-1049), and that he possesses the conditions that I will proceed to indicate:

1.         Physical and mental health. Possible impediments.

2.         Sufficient maturity to fulfill the commitments deriving from the diaconate or the priesthood.

3.   Character and aptitude for the pastoral exercise of the diaconate or the priesthood.

4.   Judgment in his faith, right intention, good reputation, customs and more outstanding qualities.

5.   Doctrinal criteria, especially on the diaconate or the priesthood.

6.   Claretian apostolic spirituality:

–    Personal and community prayer life. Sacramental life.

–    Service of the Word.

–    Cordimarian living.

–    Love for and fidelity to the Church.

–    Apostolic thrust. Availability.

–    Capacity for work.

7.   Living the demands of the religious life, especially community life and the religious vows: poverty, chastity and obedience.

8.   Ability to live one’s sexuality in an orderly manner according to the requirements of celibacy for ordained ministers.

9.   Theological and pastoral formation for Orders. Specific preparation for the diaconate or the priesthood.

10.  Possible ministerial future in the Congregation and in the Church.

11.  Other indications.

12.  Overall closing evaluation.


Form 15

(cf. CIC 1052, 1019 §1; Dir 243 c)

From the Very Reverend Father ………………………………., Provincial Superior of the Province of ………, of the Congregation of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Claretian Missionaries,

To our beloved son in Christ, ………., perpetually professed in our Congregation and a member of our Community of ……., in the diocese of ………………………………., greetings in the Lord.

Having ascertained that, besides being free of any canonical impediment, you are possessed of the suitable moral behavior and required age, and knowing that you have completed the prescribed studies, have passed the mandatory examination and have made the retreat established for this end,

In virtue of the faculties granted me by the CIC (c. 1091 §1), I am sending you to His Excellency, Bishop ……….., so that, having completed the required intervals and with the title of “mensae communis,” you may be lawfully promoted to the (diaconate or presbyterate)……………

In witness whereof, I am sending the present Dimissorial Letters, signed and sealed by myself and undersigned by my Secretary.

In our Provincial Curia of ……………………………….,,
on the ….. day of the month of ………….., 20….

(Signature and seal of the Provincial Superior)

Appendix 5


The following is a succinct list of books and booklets that should, if possible, form part of the library of all our formation centers. If English versions exist, they are preferred to documents in other languages.


BARRIOS MONEO, Alberto, La espiritualidad cordimariona de San Antonio María Claret, Madrid 1954, 465 pp.

CABESTRERO, Teófilo, La Misión en el Corazón. Espiritualidad del Hijo del Corazón de María servidor de la Palabra en la Nueva Evangelización, Publicaciones Claretianas, Madrid 1991, 142 pp.

GARCIA GARCES, Narciso, Cordis Mariae Filius, Barcelona 1949, 196 pp.

GARCIA PAREDES, José Cristo Rey, Mary in Claretian Spirituality [Engl. tr. J.C. Daries], Claretian Publications, Quezon City 1988, 100 pp.

HERNANDEZ, José María, Ex Abundantia Cordis. A Study of the Cordimarian Spirituality of the Claretian Missionaries [Engl. tr. J.C. Daries], Secretariat of the Heart of Mary, Claretian Publications, Quezon City 1991, 270 pp.

LOZANO, J. M., El Corazón de María en San Antonio María Claret, Madrid 1963.SAINT ANTHONY MARY CLARET, Escritos Marianos [ed. Jesús Bermejo], Publ. Claretianas, Madrid 1989.

VARIOUS AUTHORS, Espiritualidad Cordimariana de los Misioneros Claretianos, Vic, 1988, Publ. Claretianas, Madrid, 1989, [Engl. tr. J.C. Daries, 1991, unpubl.].

VARIOUS AUTHORS, A Son of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Is…: 72 Experiences of our Marian Spirituality, Engl. tr. J.C. Daries, Secretariat of the Heart of Mary, Claretians Publications, Quezon City 1989.


AGUILAR, F. de Asís, Vida del Excmo. e Ilmo. Sr. D. Antonio María Claret…, Madrid 1871.

AGUILAR, M., Vida Admirable del Siervo de Dios P. Antonio María Claret…, T. I &II, Madrid 1894.

ANDRES ORTEGA, A., Espíritu y Misión del Padre Claret, Publ. Claretianas, Madrid 1981.

BERMEJO, J., San Antonio María Claret, Misionero Apostólico, CICLA (Lierna 80, Bogotá).

BERMEJO, J., El Apóstol Claretiano Seglar: Su Origen y Actualidad en la Iglesia y en el Mundo, Edt. Claret, Barcelona, 1979.

BERMEJO, J., Epistolario Pasivo de San Antonio María Claret, t. I (1838-1857), Publ. Claretianas, Madrid, 1992.

BERMEJO, J., Epistolario Pasivo de San Antonio María Claret, t. II (1858-1870), Publ. Claretianas, Madrid, 1994.

CABRE RUFATT, A., Evangelizador de dos Mundos. Vida Anecdótica de San Antonio M. Claret, Edit. Claret, 2nd ed., Barcelona 1983.

CLOTET, J., Resumen de la Admirable vida del Excmo. e Ilmo. Sr. Don Antonio María Claret y Clará, Barcelona 1882.

DARIES, J., Selected letters from the correspondence of Saint Anthony Mary Claret: letters of 1832-1857 I, Claretian Publications, Bangalore, 2007.

DIEZ PRESA, Macario, Hallmarks of Claretian Spirituality, Rome 1987, 50 pp.

FERNANDEZ, Cristóbal, El Beato Padre Antonio María Claret. Historia Documentada de su Vida y Empresas, Edit. Coculsa, Madrid 1946, t. I, 1065 pp; t. II, 930 pp.

FERNANDEZ, Cristóbal, El Confesor de Isabel II y sus Actividades en Madrid. Edit. Coculsa, Madrid 1964, 517 pp.

GARCIA CASCALES, J., Der Heilige Antonius Maria Claret. Ein Mensch Ringt um seine Prophetische Sendung, Wien/Klagenfurt 1992, 237 pp.

GUASCO, A., CLARET, Antonia Maria, Postfazione di Gonzalo Fernández, Verona, EMI, 2020.

GUTIERREZ, F., El Padre Claret en el Periódico La Esperanza (1844-1874), Publ. Claretianas, Rome-Madrid 1987, 462 pp.

GUTIERREZ, F., El Padre Claret en el Periódico El Católico (1840-1857), Rome 1989.

GUTIERREZ, F., El Padre Claret en el periódico La Cruz (1840-1857), Rome 1990.

GUTIERREZ, F., San Antonio María Claret, Apóstol de Canarias,  Edit. Coculsa, Madrid 1970.

LEBROC MARTINEZ, R., San Antonio María Claret, Arzobispo Misionero de Cuba, Madrid 1992.

LOZANO, J. M., Mystic and Man of Action [Engl. tr. J.C. Daries], Chicago 1977.

LOZANO, J. M., Anthony Claret. A Life at the Service of the Gospel [Engl. tr. J.C. Daries], Chicago/Los Angeles/Manila, 1985.

NJAYARKULAM, C., Work and Suffer for Christ. A Study of the Presence of Jesus Christ in the Apostolic Spirituality of St. Anthony Mary Claret (1807-1870), Claretian Publications, Bangalore, 1984.

PAPASOGLI, G. and STANO, F., Antonio Claret: l’uomo che sfidò l’impossibile, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano, 1983.

PENALVA, J., Os Pés em Dois Mundos, Editora Ave Maria, São Paulo, 1984.

PUIGDESSENS, Josep, Espíritu del Venerable P. Antonio María Claret, Arzobispo y Fundador. Ensayo Psicológico, Barcelona, 1928.

SÁNCHEZ, Carlos Enrique, De l’exilio a la Pascua fina. Conferencia sobre los 150 años de la muerte de san Antonio Maria Claret (Vic, 24 octobre).

ST. ANTHONY MARY CLARET, Selected Spiritual Writings, [ed. J. Bermejo; Engl. tr. J.C. Daries], Claretian Publications, Quezon City, 1991.

ST. ANTHONY MARY CLARET, Antología Espiritual [ed. J. Bermejo] Edit. Coculsa, Madrid, 1973.

ST. ANTHONY MARY CLARET, Epistolario Claretiano [ed. and annot. José María Gil], t. I, Edit. Coculsa, Madrid, 1970.

ST. ANTHONY MARY CLARET, Epistolario Claretiano [ed. and annot. José María Gil], t. II, Edit. Coculsa, Madrid, 1970.

ST. ANTHONY MARY CLARET, Constituciones y Textos Sobre la Congregación de Misioneros [ed. and annot. Juna Manuel Lozano), Edit. Claret, Barcelona, 1972.

ST. ANTHONY MARY CLARET, Selected letters. Vol 1, Letters of 1832-1857, translated from the original languages with Notes and Comments by Joseph C. Daries, Claretian Publications, Quezon City, 1995.

ST. ANTHONY MARY CLARET, Works of Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Vol. II Autobiographical Writings, translated by Joseph C. Daries, Claretian Publications, Quezon City, 1995. 

ST. ANTHONY MARY CLARET, Epistolario Claretiano [ed. and annot. José María Gil], t. III, Edit. Publ. Claretianas, Madrid, 1987.

ST. ANTONY MARY CLARET, Autobiography and complementary writings (Bicentennial Edition revised and updated, Transcription, introductions and footnotes by José María Viñas and Jesús Bermejo; Introductions by Josep María Abella y Gustavo Alonso), Claretian Publications, Bangalore, 2011.

RANDLE, Guillermo, S.J., Discernir en el Desconcierto. Una Experiencia: Claret (1807-1870), Publ. Claretianas, Madrid, 1993.

VANCHIPURACKAL, George, Kedavilakku (Malayalam), 2nd. ed., Aluva (India), 1992. 

VINAS, J.M. and y BERMEJO, J., San Antonio María Claret: Escritos Autobiográficos, BAC, Madrid 1981.


AGUILAR, Mariano, Historia de la Congregación de Misioneros Hijos del I. Corazón de María, t. I, Barcelona 1901.

AGUILAR, Mariano, Historia de la Congregación de Misioneros Hijos del I. Corazón de María, t. II, Barcelona 1901.

ALVAREZ GOMEZ, Jesús, Claretian Missionaries. Volume I: Return to Origins, Engl. tr. J.C. Daries, Claretian Publications, Quezon City, 1994.

ALVAREZ GOMEZ, Jesús, Claretian Missionaries. Volume II: Transmission and reception of the claretian charism, Engl. tr. J.C. Daries, Claretian Publications, Quezon City, 2000.

C.M.F., Traces of Claret, Engl. Tr. J. Vàsquez, Claretian Publications, Quezon City, 2001.

CMF, Calendario Claretiano, Prefecturas de Espiritualidad y Formación, Roma, 2008.

C. M. F., Claretian Year, GENERAL Prefectura General of Espiritualidad, Roma, 2019. 

FERNANDEZ, Cristóbal, La Congregación de los Misioneros Hijos del Inmaculado Corazón de María. Noticia e Historia General Documentada de sus Primeros Sesenta y Tres Años (1849-1912), Madrid 1967.

FERNANDEZ, Cristóbal, La Congregación de los Hijos del Inmaculado Corazón de María. Compendio histórico de sus Primeros Sesenta y Tres Años de Existencia (1849-1912), t. I, Madrid 1967.

FERNANDEZ, Cristóbal, La Congregación de los Hijos del Inmaculado Corazón de María. Compendio histórico de sus Primeros Sesenta y Tres Años de Existencia (1849-1912), t. II, Madrid 1967.

IZQUIERDO GALLO, Mariano, Historia Sucinta de la Congregación de Misioneros Hijos del Corazón de María (1849-1973), Madrid 1975, 212 pp.


ALONSO, Gustavo, Al Servicio de Una Comunidad Misionera,  Publ. Claretianas, Madrid-Roma, 1991.

BAREA AMORENA, Ernesto, Martires claretianos del sanctuario del Corazon de Maria (Buen Suceso, 22. Madrid 1936),

BOCOS, Aquilino, Sacerdotes Claretianos, Madrid, 1984.

CMF, Word Mission: Servants of the Word, I, Pentateuch, translated by Joseph C. Daries, Claretian Publications, Quezon City, 1994.

CMF, Word Mission: Servants of the Word, II, The Prophets, translated by Joseph C. Daries, Claretian Publications, Quezon City, 1995.

CMF, Word Mission: Servants of the Word, III, The Synoptic Gospels and Acts of Apostles, translated by Joseph C. Daries, Claretian Publications, Quezon City, 1996.

CMF, Word Mission: Servants of the Word, IV, The Gospel of life. An announcement of Life for different cultures, translated by Joseph C. Daries, Claretian Publications, Quezon City, 1998.

CMF, Word Mission: Servants of the Word, V, Confessing and witnessing in a hostile world. The Gospel and letters of John and Revelation, translated by Joseph C. Daries, Claretian Publications, Quezon City, 2002.

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CMF, The Forge in our daily life. Patris Mei, Prefectura General de Espiritualidad, Roma, 2012.

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LOZANO, Juan Manuel, The Claretians. Their Mission and Spirit in the Church [Engl. tr. J.C. Daries], Chicago 1980.

PALACIOS, Jesús María, El conocimiento de las lenguas al servicio de la Misión, Prefectura General de Formación, Roma, 1998.

PALACIOS, J. M., Historical notes on formation in the Congregation, Engl. Translation by Jesús Vázquez, General Prefecture of Formation, 2001.

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PALACIOS, J. M., Iluminaciones formativas desde la vida y la misión de Claret, nuestro Fundador, Publicaciones Claretianas, Madrid, 2013.

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SIDERA PLANA, J., El P. Josep Xifré Mussach. Biografía del Cofundador y tercer General de la Congregación de Misioneros Hijos del Inmaculado Corazón de María, II. Desde la cuestión del integrismo hasta la división de la Congregación en Provincias, Ed. Claret, Barcelona, 2014.

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VARIOUS AUTHORS, Sacerdotes Misioneros al Estilo de Claret. I Semana Sacerdotal Claretiana: Vic 1985, Publ. Claretianas, Madrid 1985.

VARIOUS AUTHORS, El Ministerio de Comunión Eclesial de los Presbíteros Según el P. Claret. II Semana Sacerdotal Claretiana: Vic 1988, Publ. Claretianas, Madrid 1989.

VARIOUS AUTHORS, Servidores de la Palabra. III Semana Sacerdotal Claretiana: Vic 1990, Publ. Claretianas, Madrid 1991.

VARIOUS AUTHORS, Our Project of Missionary Life. Commentary on the Constitutions. Vol. I: Fundamental Aspects, Engl. tr. J.C. Daries, Claretian Publications, Quezon City 1992.

VARIOUS AUTHORS, El ministerio de la Eucaristía y la espiritualidad claretiana. IV Semana Sacerdotal Claretiana Vic 1993, Publ. Claretianas, Madrid, 1998.

VARIOUS AUTHORS, Our Project of Missionary Life. Commentary on the Constitutions. Vol. III: Members of the Congregation and Formula of profession, Engl. tr. J.C. Daries, Claretian Publications, Quezon City 2000.

VARIOUS AUTHORS, María en el ministerio sacerdotal claretiano. V Semana Sacerdotal Claretiana Vic 2003, Publ. Claretianas, Madrid, 2005.

VAYALIPARAMPIL, G., Forged by the Word of God: Biblical inspiration of Claret’s apostolic missionary Vocation, Claretian Publications, Bangalore, 2014.

VINAS, J. M. and GARCIA PAREDES, J. Cristo Rey, Our Project of Missionary Life. Commentary on the Constitutions. Vol. II: Fundamental Constitution and Missionary Life of the Congregation [Engl. tr. J.C. Daries], Claretian Publications, Quezon City 1992.

[1] Under this heading we have selected those canons relating directly to religious ordinands. Other canons that primarily affect

[2] Cf. Appendix 1.

[3] Cf. Dir 235.

[4] Cf. CIC 255-258; Dir 240.

[5] Cf. CC 68, 77.

[6] Cf. CIC 234 §2.

[7] Cf. CIC 650 §1; 652 §2.

[8] Cf. CC 61; Dir 196-197.

[9] Cf. Annales 56 (1976) 466-467.

[10] Cf. CIC 255-258, 659, 660.

[11] Cf. PC 18.

[12] Cf. ES II, 33-38.

[13] Cf. CC 72, 74, 75, 77; Dir 234-237.

[14] Cf. Dir 550 a.

[15] Cf. Dir 238.

[16] Cf. Appendix 3, III, 1.

[17] Cf. Appendix 3, III, 2.

[18] Cf. RFIS 72.

[19] Cf. Ibid.

[20] Cf. RFIS 52.

[21] Cf. RFIS 55.

[22] Cf. RFIS 148.

[23] With a view to adequate foresight and preparedness, the data and certificates required for entry to the Novitiate may be requested already at the beginning or during the postulancy.

[24] Cf. Dir 190.

[25] Cf. Dir 187.

[26] Cf. Dir 189.

[27] Cf. CIC 597; CC 59; Dir 190.

[28] Cf. Dir 201.

[29] Cf. CIC 597 § 1, 643 §2; Dir 190, 199.

[30] Cf. Dir 199.

[31] Cf. CIC 597 §2.

[32] Cf. CIC 597 §1, 642, 643; Dir 199.

[33] Cf. CIC 643 §1.

[34] Cf. CIC 645 §2; Dir 200.

[35] Cf. Dir 213.

[36] Cf. Dir 206, 217.

[37] Cf. CIC 652, 653 §2.

[38] Cf. Dir 227.

[39] Cf. CC 27; Dir 220.

[40] Cf. CC 70-71; Dir 228.

[41] Cf. CIC 668; Dir 220.

[42] Cf. Dir 223.

[43] Cf. CIC 657 §1.

[44] Cf. Dir 227.

[45] Cf. Dir 228.

[46] Cf. Dir 224.

[47] Cf. Dir 224, 241.

[48] Cf. Dir 225.

[49] Cf. CIC 657 §1.

[50] Cf. Dir 227.

[51] Cf. CC 70-71; Dir 228.

[52] Cf. Dir 232.

[53] Cf. Dir 233.

[54] Cf. CIC 535 §2; Dir 233.

[55] Cf. PAUL VI, Motu proprio Ministeria Quaedam, 8.

[56] Cf. Dir 243.

[57] Cf. CIC 1036.

[58] Cf. CIC 1037; Dir 242 f.

[59] Cf. CIC 833 §6.

[60] Cf. Dir 243 b.

[61] Cf. CIC 1025, 1029, 1031, 1051; Dir 243.

[62] Cf. Dir 241 b.

[63] Cf. CIC 1039.

[64] Cf. CIC 1052.

[65] Cf. CIC 1019 §1; Dir 243 d.

[66] Cf. CIC 1053 §2.

[67] Cf. CIC 1054, 535 §2; Dir 243 f.