General Plan of Formation (GPF 2020)

GPF can quite fittingly be considered as the Magna Carta on Formation that the Congregation, as mother and teacher, offers to its members, and above all to its new missionaries. It gathers up the core essentials of our missionary life and high lights its dimensions: charismatic, Christocentric, ecclesial, cordimarian, and human.



Numbers in brackets [ ] refer to paragraphs of GPF

ACCOMPANIMENT: necessary in a personalized formation process [38]; nature[213] formative dynamism [201-221]: vocational [210-211], personal [212-221]; spiritual direction [214-216]; in the stage of missionaries in formation [413-415]; formative process [14, 38, 337]; formator [125, 181, 347, 417]; psycho-sexual [357, 544-545]; spiritual [360, 413, 458]; preparation for perpetual profession [396]; candidates [429]; ongoing formation [509, 538]; Quinquennium [511-512]; fourth age [533, 536-537]; inappropriate behaviors [545, 549-550] (cf. Direction, Spiritual).

ACTIVITIES: proper of the General Prefecture of Formation [286]; proper of the Prefecture of Formation of Major Organisms [291]; specific apostolic activities [265-270] (cf. Dynamisms and Means).

ADMISSION: to aspirancy [322]; postulancy [340]; novitiate [350-351]; perpetual profession [425-426]; Installed Ministries [442]; diaconate [451]; Priesthood [461-462]; persons with homosexual tendencies [551-552].

AGENTS OF FORMATION: definition [104]; Jesus Christ [106]; the Holy Spirit [107]; Mary [112]; the Church [117]; the formandus [119]; the formators [124]; the formation community [131]; others [132]; the professors [133]; in ongoing formation [482-484].

APOSTOLATE: enablement for [70]; techniques [70]; as Mary’s mission [115]; of the Congregation [149-151]; importance of formative apostolic experiences [261-270, 410-412] (Cf. Experience).

ASPIRANCY: stage of the pre-novitiate[312-320]; those responsible for the stage [321-323].

ATTITUDES: to receive and second the action of the Spirit [111]; to grow in relation with Mary [115]; to foster humility [96]; ecumenical [194]; of the formandi [267-268]; of the deacon [450]; spiritual of discernment [89]

CALL: of God [37, 61, 64, 320, 537]; to follow Christ [66]; characteristics [62-66]; ecclesial invitation [31, 192]; regarding the mission [52, 196, 475]; community life [67, 467]; personal [67]; growth in it [209-210] (Cf. Vocation).

CHARISM: and conformity with Christ [61]; Claretian, in the Church [31, 59, 61, 116, 191]; Cordimarian [113]; its fundamental cores from the Forge [126-127]; congregational (Claretian) [60- 61, 149, 174, 201, 521, 557]; our Founder’s [134-139, 148, 472]; congregational sources [6]; missionary [401, 481]; in the Constitutions [17-18, 158-159]; in the General Plan of Formation [1, 254]; formation [9-10, 14, 35, 43, 47, 53, 204, 321, 432]; and apostolic virtues [90]; personal [430]; apostolic activities [269]; fidelity[472].

CHARITY: and conformity with Christ [11, 90, 231]; charism [12, 91];apostolic [91, 114, 267, 458]; in Claret [91]; in the community [68, 258]; in formation [71, 267]; formation community [131]; in the Forge [143]; Eucharist [231]; Mary [114]; missionary deacon [446, 450]; priesthood [458]; prayer [458]; inappropriate conduct against poverty [553] (cf. Love).

CHASTITY: and conformity with Christ [61]; a charism of Claret [74]; Claretian [75-76]; consecrated [386]; requirements [77]; pedagogy [78]; discernment [310]; religious profession [378]; challenges in ongoing formation [554]; inappropriate conduct [543, 547].

CHRIST: conformity with [10-11, 21, 61, 74, 478, 527, 532, 535]; calls us [64, 66-67]; following[12, 19-20, 22-23, 43]; imitation [25, 73, 239]; union with [353, 387, 397, 459]; in the Constitutions [98, 101, 156, 157-158]; Master and agent of formation [124, 127, 142, 193, 216, 267, 478, 539]; and the Eucharist [230-231]; and Reconciliation [234]; center of Claret’s life [62, 77, 100, 127, 143, 458]; (cf. Conformity, Following of Christ).

CHURCH: its teaching is source of GPF [5]; objective of formation [12]; frame of reference of formation [31, 58]; sign and instrument of Christ [67]; agent of formation [116-118]; formators must love it [125, 418, 420]; factor in formation [191-194]; criterion for apostolic activities [269]; points to criteria for vocational discernment [309]; its needs determine the ministry [411]; formandi should think with the Church [387]; ongoing formation in order to remain faithful to it [475, 481]; misconduct which harms it [542, 546-547, 550-553, 556, 560].

CLARET: his charism [14, 61]; charismatic model [60, 69, 124, 134-136, 225, 521]; Charism of [135, 139, 147, 521]; Founder [135, 147, 149]; the Autobiography as claretian itinerary [137-139]; Eucharist [230, 362]; reader of the Bible [224, 470]; his vocational experience [224, 563]; chastity [77]; The Forge in [140-144]; apostolic missionary [69]; apostolic virtues [90-91, 97, 100, 559]; his community living [257]; his way of living the vows [74, 79, 85 ]; formator of missionaries [127]; martyrdom [152]; like him, we should respond to challenges [187]; model of ongoing formation [470, 476]. [56].

COLLABORATION, INTERPROVINCIAL: general principles [300-305]; in the post-novitiate [393]; in initiatives of ongoing formation [494].

COMMUNION (Fellowship): essential dimension of vocation [61]; with Jesus [66, 67, 384]; built up by the love poured forth by the Spirit [68]; with the Church [12, 29, 67, 116, 192-193]; among formators [128]; prefecture [290]; formation team [128]; ongoing formation [465].

COMMUNITY, FORMATIVE: called together by Jesus [67]; its origin in the Trinity [68]; a fruit of the Spirit [109]; missionary in nature [68]; formative community in the strict sense [131]; pedagogy guidelines [270]; responsibility of missionary formation [271]; relationship to the Major Superiors of the Organisms [275]; the local Formation Council [298]; Claretian roots [55, 230-231]; is an agent [131] and setting of formation [390]; community project of the [396]; martyrs: model of a formative community [153]; requirements of the formation house [205].

COMMUNITY, LOCAL: community life [259]; agent responsible for ongoing formation [483]; quinquennium [511]; middle age [518]; third age [528]; fourth age [534, 536]; confronted with crises [541]; confronted with inappropriate conduct [544, 548, 556, 560].

CONFORMITY WITH CHRIST: fundamental aim of formation [10-11]; formative itinerary [11, 562]; filial relationship with the Father [21]; to spread the Kingdom [13]; essence of the formative process [61]; vocational experience and consecration [62-66]; and mission [69]; and vows [72-73]; and apostolic virtues [90-102]; in Claret [62, 69, 72, 74, 79, 85]; and Mary [71, 76]; inspirational models [134]; our martyrs [564]; formative guidelines [450]; ongoing formation [478, 532]; restored in Reconciliation [234].

CONGREGATION: Charism [1, 6, 10, 12, 16-18, 468, 472]; source [22]; object [25]; its situation as frame of reference [60]; Mary [113-115]; Founder [135, 137, 139, 225, 565]; its history [147-154]; its Constitutions [155-160, 274]; formative model [147- 160]; formative factor [195-197]; responsible for vocational growth and formation of its members [271, 312]; its needs to determine ministry [411]; taking leave of [382]; fidelity to congregational renewal [472-473]; support to deal with crises [541]; inappropriate conduct [542, 547, 549, 550, 552].

CONSECRATION: conformity with Christ [61, 63-64]; God’s call [64]; form of evangelizing [72]; religious vows [73]; study of its contents [363]; profession [378]; inappropriate conduct [550]; requires ongoing formation [562].

CONSTITUTIONS: expression of Claretian identity and immediate reference for our formation process [18]; about formation in the [1, 13, 18]; congregational source [6]; on the experience of our [36, 157, 376]; Founder [101, 155-156]; the first CC [155-156]; renewed CC [157]; they spring from life experience [158]; process of CC [60, 155-157, 225, 362]; need for inculturated and charismatic reading of CC [159]; novitiate [363, 376]; student missionaries [388]; first profession [378]; on religious vows [73]; ongoing formation [491].

COUNCILS, FORMATION: provincial council [291-299]; local council [298]; formation team [297]; councils and assemblies of formandi [299].

CULTURE: general traits of today’s [57]; cultural milieu as formative factor [200-204]; knowledge of culture and cultures indispensable [253]; missionaries in formation should be sensitive to culture [404]; diversity and universality [15, 50]; pluralism (plurality) [55, 194, 196, 204]; values [159, 167, 172, 181, 188, 204]; digital [190]; ongoing formation [544]; specialization [503]; advanced age [524]; in the prevention of abuses [548-549]; gay [552].

DIRECTION, SPIRITUAL: nature [214, 217]; most recommended by the Church and the Congregation [214]; criteria for choosing spiritual director [215]; and formator [215]; aim of [216]; tries to help the person [216] (Cf. accompaniment).

DISCERNMENT OF VOCATION: constant need for [2, 53-54]; attending to its practice [36, 163, 187]; general criteria [13, 21, 51, 166]; for admission to the pre-novitiate [308-311]; family, a key element [179]; in the novitiate [360].

DISMISSAL: the superiors will enforce the rules [275]; in the aspirancy [322]; in postulancy [340]; in novitate [350] in the stage of temporary vows [382].

DYNAMISMS AND MEANS: definition [162, 206, 208]; agents put them into practice [104]; organization and orientation [207]; modalities (Kinds) [210-211, 213, 218, 222, 236, 257, 261]; In the stage of missionaries in formation: profession and ordinations [396]; community project [396]; prayer [397-398]; study [399-406]; community life [407-409]; apostolic experiences [410-412]; in personal accompaniment [413-415]; spiritual direction [413].

ENVIRONMENTS: the family[175-181]; the physical space [182-184]; the society and the culture [185-188]; technology and media [189-190]; the ecclesial community [191-194]; the congregational community [195-197]; the provincial community [198-199]; the formation community [390] (Cf. factors).

EVALUATION: of the objectives and actions of the formation itinerary [45]; of formandi [126, 220]; of formators [129]; of the community project [357, 409]; forms for reports [Appendix 4].

EXPERIENCE: experience of vocation as point of departure [62, 64]; of Claret as apostolic missionary [69, 140]; characteristics [61-64]; of God [17, 21, 472, 196, 203, 216]; of intercultural richness [1, 50, 407, 438]; formative apostolic experiences [70, 261-270, 410, 412]; missionary experiences of ongoing formation [508]; of wise veteran missionaries [525].

FACTORS, FORMATIVE: description [161]; personal: physical [163-164], psychological [165-166]; youth-related [167-174]; spiritual [173-174]; environmental: family [175-181]; physical space [182-184]; society and culture [185-188]; technology and media [189-190]; Church community [191-194]; congregational community [195-197]; province or Delegation community [198-199]; places: social and cultural [200-204]; the formation house [205].

FAITH: to respond to our calling [21, 37, 66]; divorced from culture and life [55, 57]; enables us to live the vows [73, 77, 87, 89]; interpreted from reality [187]; starting point of the personal project [221]; Eucharist [231]; discernment in the Aspirancy [312]; ongoing formation [490, 523]; crisis [512-514].

FOLLOWING OF CHRIST: gradual, progressive and articulated [43]; fruit of the Holy Spirit [107, 110]; objective of formation in accord with the claretian charism [11-12, 17-33, 61]; engages the whole person [66]; presence of Mary [112]; the formandus, a disciple in this school [120]; in the novitiate [348, 358, 361]; post-novitiate [388, 419]; middle age [518] (cf. Conformity with Christ).

FORGE: Mary forms us in the forge of her Heart [24, 112-115]; description of allegory used by our Founder [141-142]; its basic core contents [143]; its use in formation [144]; its study in the novitiate [363]; congregational renewal program [521].

FORMANDUS: primary agent in his process [119-123]; youth-related factors [167-172]; participates in animating formation [296-299]; interprovincial collaboration [304]; in ongoing formation [482, 486-489].

FORMATION, CLARETIAN: general objective [10-15, 61]; frame of reference [16], claretian identity [17-33]; pedagogical process [34-36]; fundamental characteristics [37-52]; and present situation [53-60].

FORMATION, DIFFERENTIATED: need for [428]; of missionary brothers [431-432]: formative guidelines [433-436]; ministries proper of lay condition [437-442]; for diaconate: general criteria [445-448], functions of deacon [449], formative guidelines [450]; for the priesthood: general criteria [452-454], functions [455-457]; formative guidelines [458-460].

FORMATION, ONGOING: nature [463]; aim [464]; need for [465-475]; reference to charism [476-478]; required for whole Congregation [472]; in community [473]; to carry out the mission [474-475]; like Claret [476]; congregational criteria [479-481]; related to initial formation [480]; agents and those responsible [482-484]; ways of doing: ordinary [486-498]; extraordinary [499-508]; particular situations: quinquennium [510-514]; the middle age [515-521]; The Third Age [522-531]; The Fourth Age [532-537]; in crises during ongoing formation [538-541]; ongoing formation of formators [129].

FORMATION PLAN: general [the GPF]: nature and purpose[1-2]; addressees [3-4]; sources of inspiration [5-6]; structure [7-8]; application [2, 285, 290, 368, 373, 401]; conformity with Christ [564]; of the Major Organisms [6]; should attend to the values of younger generations [172] for the missionary brothers [444]; for the diaconate [451, 460]; in ongoing formation [484-485, 491, 496-497]; for specialization [499-500]; personal, for those who interrupt their studies [391] for interculturality and universal mission [393-394]; for the quinquennium [513]; for the sabbatical periods [498, 507]; of the formation community [131, 201, 275, 322]; of the personal process [122, 337, 476, 492, 506].

FORMATION TEAM: nature [124]; qualities [125]; functions [126]; witness [127]; should be like a united family [128]; composition [128]; preparation [129]; meetings [297]; interprovincial collaboration [305. 393]; admits aspirants [322]; postulancy [347]; novitiate [373]; missionaries in formation [419-421].

FORMATIVE ITINERARY: the GPF guides it and gives it consistency [2, 4]; recreates the charism of Claret [14, 363; must be planned and evaluated [45]; the action of the Spirit in it [109]; post-novitiate [379].

FORMATORS: responsibility [124]; qualities [125]; functions [126]; like Claret [127]; teamwork [128]; preparation [129]; free of other duties [130]; the novice master [369-373]; the prefect and his collaborators [416-421] (Cf. Prefect, Responsible).

FOUNDER: (cf. Claret).

FOURTH AGE: in the itinerary[7]; need to consider it for ongoing formation [509]; stage of ongoing formation [532-537].

FREEDOM: life option [16, 55]; formative principle: liberating and prophetic [47-48]; free response to vocation [44, 309]; traits for discernment [170-171]; in relation to vows [84, 88]; in relation to formation [123, 346, 356, 418]; in relation to spiritual direction [215-216, 220]; community dynamism [260, 483].

GOVERNMENT: agent in charge of ongoing formation [484]; both of the Major Organism [496-497] and General [498] (Cf. Superiors).

HEART OF MARY: sons [25, 317, 563]; Mary forms us in the forge of her Heart [22-24, 112-115]; charismatic presence: Foundress, Mother, Formator [113]; filial and apostolic dedication to [115, 563]; attitudes and manifestations of our filial relation [115]; Mary, example of welcoming God’s Word [30, 226-227]; how she forms us [100]; model in prayer [239]; in living the vows [75-78, 80, 86]; of apostolic charity [92-93]; we should discover cordimarian sonship [361]; profession [362]; Forge [122, 142, 320, 563]; pre-novitiate [317, 320]; novitiate [362]; first profession [378]; celebration of the [362] (cf. also Mary).

HOMOSEXUALITY: discernmentbefore admission to the pre-novitiate[309]; homosexual behaviors [551-552].

HUMILITY: and conformity with Christ [90, 94-96]; in Claret [94, 559]; apostolic [94]; in the Constitutions [95]; in formation [96]; confronted with inappropriate conduct [549, 559].

INAPPROPRIATE CONDUCT: in relation to the evangelical counsels [542]; in relation to evangelical counsel of chastity [543-550]; linked to sexual abuse [545-546]; in relation to the evangelical counsel of poverty [553-557]; in relation to the evangelical counsel of obedience [558-561].

INCULTURATION: formation should be inculturated [50-52]; esteem for values of each culture [188, 194]; of the Constitutions [159]; inculturated prayer [246]; missionaries in formation should be equipped for it [253, 386].

INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES: God’s calls in the digital world[32]; manipulation in the media and social networks [55]; new possibilities of communication [57, 386]; prudence and maturity in their use [77-78, 102, 329]; technologies and social media [189-190]; their apostolic effectiveness [190]; their reality as a new of communication [190]; learning [251]; their relationship with study [254, 404]; apostolic formation [270]; to become familiar with congregational life[337]; use in the novitiate [357].

INSERTION: expresses option for the poor [84]; aim of inserted communities [202]; effects on relating to the people [203]; in native cultures [253]; and in Organisms [266].

INTERCULTURALITY: preparation [50-51]; intercultural formative community [131]; intercultural dialogue [253, 438]; openness to [331]; preparation for living in intercultural contexts [362]; intercultural training centres and preparation program [393-394]; community life [407].

JUSTICE, PEACE AND INTEGRITY OF CREATION: in the socio-cultural situation [56]; in the ecclesial situation [58]; the Church as a formative agent in this regard [118]; in environmental factors [185]; pedagogical guidelines [270]; formation guidelines for the missionary deacon [450]; congregational criteria for ongoing formation [481].

KINGDOM: its propagation guides the whole formation [13]; in our claretian identity [19, 21]; in the Church’s mission [31]; in formation as a gradual, progressive and articulated process [43]; liberating process [47]; inculturated, intercultural and universal [50-51]; congregational situational reference [60]; fundamental objective of conformity with Jesus Christ the missionary [61]; in the vocational experience [66]; the mission as the central formative key [69]; witnesses of the Kingdom according to the vows [73]; of chastity [75-76]; of poverty [81]; in relation to the virtue of mortification [99]; the Spirit who anoints us for the mission [110]; Mary forms us as evangelizers of the Kingdom [113-115]; the reference of the martyrs of the Kingdom [146]; psychological formative factor to internalize its values [166]; the Church’s impetus [194]; in relation to the location of the formative community [202]; the Eucharist and the Kingdom [231]; as a guideline for academic formation [254]; in community life [260]; in apostolic experiences [266]; among the functions of the priest’s ministry [455]; in ongoing formation [469, 471]; in the prevention of abuse in shared mission [550].

LAY PEOPLE: formation agents [115].

LITURGY: in relation to the Word [223]; of the Eucharist [231]; devotion to Mary [115, 337]; in formation [12, 173, 240, 359, 360]; formators’ appreciation of [125]; installed ministries of Lector and Acolyte [439, 441]; the service of the Deacon [446, 449, 450, 451]; in ongoing formation [487]; with respect to the fourth age [536]; funerals [537].

LOVE: we are driven by [62-63]; traits of God’s love for the one called [64]; his response to God’s call [66]; imbues the fellowship on which community is based [68]; the Heart of Mary [114]; of the prefect for the Church, the Congregation and the formandi [125, 418] (Cf. Charity).

MARTYRS: example of life [49, 103, 134, 564]; vocational fidelity [66]; as an inspiration [146]; our Congregation is rich in them [135]; the Martyrs of Barbastro, a model formation community [153].

MARY: model of welcoming God’s Word [30, 226-227, 243]; inspiring model [134]; apostolic charity [93]; formator of apostles [11]; for Claret [25, 141, 563]; for the missionaries [71]; agent formation [112-115]; formed by the Spirit in the forge of her Heart [23-24, 122, 141-143]; the missionary’s love for her [49, 387]; in relation to the vows [75-76, 78, 80, 86]; in prayer [239, 397-398]; in pre-novitiate formation [320, 336]; in the novitiate [358, 360, 378]; post-novitiate [387, 397-398] (cf. Heart of Mary).

MATURITY: as a process [43]; for discernment [16, 36, 166, 309]; as a vocational response [44, 70]; for an integral formation [12, 39-40, 180]; psychotherapists’ help to reach it [220]; with regard to the pre-novitiate [314, 326, 329, 332, 346]; in relation to the novitiate [350, 357]; quality of the novice master and formators [369, 420]; in relation to the vows [73, 77, 83, 88-89]; in the post-novitiate [383, 391, 407]; for perpetual profession [425]; to be advanced to the ministries [441]; in ongoing formation [471, 515]; in relation to abuses [550, 558].

MILIEU(X): the family [175-181]; physical space [182-184]; society and culture [185-188]; technology and media [189-190]; ecclesial community [191-194]; congregational community [195-197]; provincial community [198-199]; formation community [390] (cf. Factors).

MEEKNESS: as an apostolic virtue [97-99]; in the forge of the Heart of Mary [114]; in Claret [97, 559].

MENTORS: identity of the mentors [124]; in the prevention of abuse [550].

MIDDLE AGE: in the itinerary [7]; need to consider it for ongoing formation [509]; stage of ongoing formation [515-521].

MINISTERS, SUITABLE: we should pray God to make us such [13]; humility [94]; the Spirit makes us such by his anointing [111]; at the base is the experience of God [140]; formators should promote this [421]; in ongoing formation [468,481].

MINISTRIES: the richness of the Congregation [27, 29, 194]; preparation for ordained ministries [403, 428]; non-installed [437]; installed: lector, acolyte [439-442]; requirement for admission to the diaconate and presbyterate [451-452]; in the priesthood [458]; in ongoing formation [483, 493]; prevention of inappropriate conduct [549, 560].

MISSION: formation for mission [13]; of Jesus [61, 562]; as missionary service of the Word [29-30, 69]; key to formation process [13, 69-70]; in the universal mission of the Church and the Congregation [15, 30]; according to the calls of God in our time [32-33]; mission consecration and religious vows [72-73, 77, 83, 88]; Mary associates us with herself in mission [114], inappropriate conduct [538-540, 550, 560].

MISSIONARIES IN FORMATION: nature and aim of this stage [379-380]; juridical aspects [381-382]; general objectives [383-385]; specific objectives and means [386-388]; characteristics [389-393]; principal dynamisms [394-395]; prayer [396-397]; study [398-404]; community life [405-407]; apostolic experiences [408-409]; personal accompaniment [410-412].

MISSIONARY BROTHERS: particular aspects of their formation: general criteria [431-432]; formative guidelines [433-436]; proper ministries of: non-installed [437-438]; installed [439-442]; organizational aspects [443-444]; plan of studies [Appendix 3, IV, V 3.1].

MISSIONARY DEACONS: general criteria [445, 448]; functions [449]; formation guidelines [450]; admission to diaconate [451]; program of preparation [Appendix 3, V, 2.2.]; requisites [Appendix 4,6.2]; personal declaration [Appendix 4, Form 11], profession of faith and oath of fidelity [Appendix 4, Form 12]; model of reports [Appendix 4, Form 14; model of dimissorial letters [Appendix 4, Form 15].

MISSIONARY PRIESTS: specific formation: general criteria [452-454]; functions [455-457]; formative guidelines [458-460]; admission to the presbyterate [461-462]; program of preparation for ordination [Appendix 3, V, 2.3]; requisites [Appendix 4, 6. 2]; personal declaration [Appendix 4, Form 11], profession of faith and oath of fidelity [Appendix 4, Form 12]; model of reports [Appendix 4, Form 14]; model of dimissorial letters [Appendix 4, Form 15].

MODEL: definition [105]; Jesus Christ [92, 134, 156, 320]; Mary [23, 113, 134, 320, 336, 358, 387]; the prophets [134]; the apostles [92, 134]; Claret [134, 136, 563]; the saints [134, 145]; martyrs [134, 153];the formators, identification model [321].

MORTIFICATION: and conformity with Christ [90]; in Claret [100-101]; spiritual maturity [88]; its apostolic characteristics [100-103]; in the face of Obedience [559].

NOVICE MASTER: characteristics [369], functions [370-372]; collaborators of [373]; relationship with formators from other formative stages [347].

NOVITIATE: nature and aim [348]; requisites for access to [349-351]; generalobjectives [352354]; specific objectives [356, 358, 361]; means [357,359-360, 362-363]; characteristics [364-368]; the novice master and his collaborators [369-373]; special moments [374-378]; novitiate shared between Organisms [342]; plan of studies [Appendix 3, II]; documents [appendix 4, form. 4 and 7] (Cf. Novice Master).

OBEDIENCE: as a following of Jesus Christ [20, 72, 86, 88]; obedience of faith [63]; as a vow [85-89, 378]; in Claret [85]; foundation of [86]; Claretian obedience [87]; demands of [88]; pedagogical aspects [89]; inappropriate conducts related to it [558-561].

ORGANISM, MAJOR, (Province or Delegation): a formative factor [198]; Responsibility [271, 287, 299]; drafts provincial plan for ongoing formation [285, 496]; provides means for it [497]; collaboration [300-305]; is concerned with specializations and ongoing formation [403-444, 484, 496-499, 502, 509, 531]; develops its protocol for the prevention of abuse and inappropriate conduct [547-548, 556].

PEOPLE: recipient of our mission [12, 31, 133, 226]; frame of reference [34, 56, 167]; their reality challenges us [32, 53, 188, 233, 336, 432, 475, 486]; communities of insertion among them [15, 52, 203, 465]; prophetism [48]; Mary’s sensibility [115]; holiness [146]; inculturation [159, 188, 196, 227, 253, 386]; symbology [205].

PEOPLE OF GOD: our vocation in the context of the people of God [29, 48, 191, 226, 422, 446]; challenge of the people of God [53, 193]; communion [116-117, 421]; martyrdom [146]; spirituality [359]; ministry [456] (Cf. Church).

POOR, THE: they represent Christ, messenger of Good News [19, 107, 109]; we should share their hopes and sorrows [20, 58]; recipients of the gospel proclamation [62, 134, 143, 473]; preferential option for them [71, 80-84, 118, 151, 186, 202, 449]; Mary moves us to love them [23, 114-115, 397]; closeness to, proximity, insertion [15, 17, 32-33, 202, 205, 333]; our goods at their service [553, 555-556].

POST-NOVITIATE (Students): nature and purpose of the stage [379-380]; legal aspects [381-382]; general objectives [383-385]; specific objectives [386-388]; characteristics [389-394]; main dynamics [395-396]; prayer and study [236, 397-406]; community life [407-409]; apostolic experiences [410-412]; personal accompaniment [413-415]; the prefect [416-420]; plan of studies [Appendix 3, III]; documents [Appendix 4, Form 5-6].

POSTULANCY: nature and aim [324]; requirements of candidates for entering [325]; general objectives [326-328]; specific objectives [329, 333, 336]; means [330-332, 334-335, 337-338]; characteristics [339]; admission-demissal [340]; the gradualness of the apostolate [269]; those responsible for [345-347]; plan of studies [Appendix 3,1]; documents for [Appendix 4, Form2, Form 4].

POVERTY: vow [20, 61, 66, 72, 378]; witness of our Founder [79]; motives for professing it [80]; traits of [81]; assimilation of [82]; demands of [83]; in communities of insertion [81]; inappropriate conduct [553, 557].

PRAYER: evangelical call [21]; requirement of the option for Christ [44]; basis of prophetism [48]; nourishes fraternal life [68]; to exercise the ministry effectively [125]; in the formation community [131]; in Claret [141, 142, 230]; sustenance of the martyrs [153]; spiritual factors in formation [173]; formative dynamism [216, 236-247]; united to study [236-238]; foundation [239]; missionary prayer [241]; pedagogy of [242-247]; in the stages leading up to the novitiate [319, 333-335]; in novitiate [355, 359, 360, 377]; in post-novitiate [387, 396-399, 409]; preparation for perpetual profession [423]; preparation for the presbyterate [460]; in ongoing formation [486, 487, 490]; balance between prayer, community life and ministry [515]; in the third age [526, 529]; to face crises [541].

PREFECT: responsible for the Prefecture [276-280]; General Prefect [282-284]; Provincial Prefect [289]; formator of missionaries in formation: what he is [416-417], his functions [418-419], capacities and qualities [420]; interprovincial experiences [305]; ongoing formation [484] (cf. Formators, Prefecture of Formation).

PREFECTURE OF FORMATION: general aspects [276-280]; General Prefecture: objective and area [281]; the Prefect [282-284]; functions [285]; proper activities [286]; Prefecture of Major Organisms: objective and area [287-288]; the Prefect [289]; functions [290]; activities [291]; interprovincial collaboration [303].

PRE-NOVITIATE: introduction of the stage [306-307]; stages that make it up [312-314]; general objectives [315-317]; specific objectives [318-320]; those responsible [321, 323]; coordination with vocation ministry [349].

PROCESS OF FORMATION: orientation [2]; its objective [10]; is continuous [12, 562]; for mission [13, 69, 562]; its inspiration [14]; the Constitutions are its reference point [18]; its cordimarian dimension [23-24]; constant search for God [25]; transformation process [35-36]; evolutionary and gradual [43, 45, 132]; integral and integrating [39]; liberating [47]; prophetic [48]; interpersonal, historical and cultural [40]; inculturated, intercultural and universal [50-52]; influenced by the reality of the Congregation [60]; of conformity with Christ [61]; ecclesial influence [117-118, 191]; congregational accompaniment [195-197]; family influence [179]; social influence [200].

PROFESSION: first: preparation [376-377], celebration and registry [378]; temporary [348, 381]; homosexuality [309]; legal aspects [163, 381-382]; students [395]; accompaniment [414]; perpetual: nature [422]; immediate preparation [304, 423-424]; juridical prescriptions [425-426]; celebration and registry [427]; rights and duties [27]; dedication to the Heart of Mary [115]; initial formation for brothers [433]; inappropriate conduct [558]; form letters for requesting it [Form. 4, 7, 8]; program of preparation for perpetual profession [Appendix 3, V, 1].

PROFESSOR: formation agent [132-133]; interprovincial collaboration [285-286, 305]; meetings of the major Organism [291].

PROGRAM: for formation of formators [129]; provincial program for ongoing formation [496]; general program for ongoing formation [498]; of apostolic experiences [270]; of preparation for interculturality [394]; of awareness of inappropriate conduct [542, 547, 552].

PROJECT, COMMUNITY: in general [260, 285, 291]; in the postulancy [344]; in the novitiate [358, 368]; in the stage of missionaries in formation [396, 409]; for carrying out apostolic experiences [264, 270, 410]; in ongoing formation [490, 492]; of the fourth age [534].

PROJECT, PERSONAL: [221, 285, 291, 337, 413]; in ongoing formation [465-467, 488, 492]; personal plan for sabbatical periods [506].

QUINQUENNIUM: first moment of ongoing formation [510]; objective [511]; characteristics [511]; means [509-511].

REPORTS: prior request to whoever has been in another seminar [325]; obligation before profession [377]; various types of reports and forms for them [Appendix 4].

RESPONSIBILITIES: of the formandus [122]; of formators [124]; of the formation community [131, 205]; of professors [133]; of the Congregation [131, 135, 195, 271]; of Major Organisms [198, 403, 408, 496, 509].

RESPONSIBILITY FOR FORMATION: in general [271]; Superiors, different levels [272-274]; their functions [275]; Prefectures [276-280]; General Prefecture [281-286]; prefecture of Major Organisms [287-291].

RESPONSIBLE (= in charge of): the vocation process [307]; the formator and his team [321-324]; of postulancy [345-347]; of novitiate [369- 373]; of post-novitiate [413-421]; of ongoing formation [482-484].

SABBATICAL PERIODS: nature [506]; personal plan [506]; for every Claretian [498, 507].

SACRAMENTS: Baptism: caring for baptismal faith [316]; Eucharist: formative dynamism [230-233]; dimensions [231]; pedagogy [233, 450, 456]; Reconciliation: traits [234, 319, 360]; personal and community celebration [235]; certificates of Baptism and Confirmation [325, 351]; in crises [539] (Cf. Missionary Deacons, Priests).

SPECIALIZATIONS: orientation of formandi [411]; thrust and ways of doing/ meaning and modalities [499-505]; promoted by the General Prefecture [285]; discerned by the formators [421].

SEXUAL ABUSE: of minors and vulnerable adults [545-548]; four levels: sexual abuse, abuse of power, abuse of trust and spiritual abuse [546]; ministerial context with adults [549]; of consecrated women [550].

SITUATION: frame of reference for formation [53-54]; sociocultural, ecclesial, congregational [55-60] (cf. Milieu).

SPIRIT, HOLY: action of [19, 22]; gives rise to charisms [12, 17, 29, 148]; vocation [210-211, 563]; brings about personal integration [39]; speaks to us in present challenges [53, 58]; anoints us [62]; grants us the gift of love [64]; acts in missionary community [67-68]; principal agent of formation [107]; prime mover of mission [31, 108, 565]; action on formative itinerary [34, 43, 109]; conforms us with Christ [110]; we must respond to Him with certain attitudes [111]; associates the Virgin Mary with Him [23, 112]; Constitutions [156-157]; the forge [140-143]; grants ordained ministry [454]; inculturation [50]; demands our continual renewal [468-471] in the crises [538, 541].

STRUCTURE(S): of the GPF [7-8]; political, social, cultural and economic as a frame of reference [56]; and formation milieu [185-188]; criteria for the formation house [205]; for animating formation [271]; for co-responsible participation of the formandi [299]; for vocational welcoming and aspirancy [313, 314]; for animating vocations [296]; of postulancy [339]; of the novitiate [364-367]; post-novitiate [389-393]; ongoing formation [498] (cf. Prefecture of formation).

STUDY: formative dynamism [236-238, 248-256]; in our Founder [249]; to become suitable ministers [94]; missionary orientation [251, 256] way of organizing [251, 255]; contents [251]; need to inculturate and complement it [253-254]; in academic centers [254-255]; in the postulancy [332, 335, 338]; in the novitiate [360, 363]; in stage of missionaries in formation: objectives [399]; matters [401]; centers [402]; degrees and specializations [403]; means and activities to foster it [404]; should be integrated with other activities [405]; include economic and accounting management [406]; interruptions [391]. In ongoing formation [477]; specializations [499-505]; plans of studies [Appendix 3].

SUPERIOR(S): responsible for formation in general [271]; different levels [272]; functions [275]; agent responsible for ongoing formation [484]; provides means for ongoing formation [497]; should be concerned for integral formation of the missionary brothers [443].

TRANSFORMATION: processes of [10]; transformation processes are required [14]; according to the Heart of Mary [24]; moved by the Spirit [31]; in the whole formation [35]; gradual y progressive [43]; to be aware/ conscious [50]; formation as a transformative process [61]; to be configured with missionary Christ [90]; Eucharist as transformative [233]; spiritual transformation [521].

THIRD AGE: stage [522-531]; objective [523]; attitudes [527-528]; means [529]; settings [530-531].

UNIVERSALITY: formation should be universal [15, 31, 108, 367] inculturated and interculral formative process [50-52, 194, 201]; availability [423].

VIRTUES: apostolic and conformity with Christ [90, 388]; apostolic charity [91-93]; humility [94-96]; meekness [97-99, 559]; mortification [100-102, 559].

VOCATION: point of departure of formative itinerary [62-66]; covenant with God which demands a response in faith and love [62-63]; consists of the gift of love [64]; engages the whole person [66]; signs of [211]; general criteria of discernment [308-309]; in the service of the mission until the end [563]; crises, weakening and incompatibilities [538-539, 541, 551] (cf. Call).

VOCATION MINISTRY: coordination with formators [290, 296, 349]; criteria of discernment [307-311]; characteristics and guidelines in the DVC [306] (cf. Youth).

VOCATION MINISTRY TEAM: need [297]; tasks [298]; members [299]; interprovincial collaboration [300].

VOCATIONS, WELCOMING: description [307]; general objective [309-311]; specific objectives [312-314]; forms [308]; minor seminary [320-323]; other forms [324]; characteristics [315-316]; those in charge of [317].

VOWS: expression of total commitment to and conformity with Christ [61]; nature and aim [72-73]; dimensions [73]; chastity [74-78]; poverty [79-84]; obedience [85-89]; inappropriate conduct [543, 553, 558].

WORD OF GOD: servants of [12-13, 17, 29, 69, 147, 226, 231, 261, 264, 268-269]; we should proclaim it as the Apostles did [20, 91]; initiation and growth in it [29, 270, 388, 432]; its dynamics in the stages of formation [30]; the axis of the formation process [229]; the Spirit [108, 111, 140, 475]; way of following Jesus [49]; Mary teaches us to welcome and serve it [30, 71, 113-115, 226-227, 358]; Claret [93, 229, 470]; preachers [66]; Bible [226, 229]; Lectio divina and other forms of reading [229, 398]; Constitutions [89, 158]; prophetic formation [48]; reading and study [228, 237, 248]; spiritual factor [173, 387]; Eucharist [231, 233]; spiritual direction [216]; prayer [239, 240, 243-244, 319, 334, 338, 397, 486]; humility [94]; community [219, 257, 260]; in communities of insertion [203]; reality and cultures [50, 188, 269, 336, 486]; apostolic experiences [388, 404, 410]; believers [228]; the superior [226]; mission of the prefect [416, 421]; lay services [438]; installed ministries [440-441]; the diaconate [446, 449-450]; the priesthood [452, 455-456, 458]; in ongoing formation [463, 468, 481, 484, 491]; point of reference for vocational fidelity [473]; third age [523-524]; obedience [559].YOUTH: formators must know the world of youth [129]; factors of the juvenile condition [167-172]; youth groups [318]; youth and vocation ministry [349]; youth as the focus of attention in ongoing formation [471]; in quinquennium period [510]; in particular situations to guarantee youthfulness of spirit [540