Initiation into the Missionary Life, Manual for the Claretian Novice

This manual presents the summary of the main topics and formation suggestions that the novices in the congregation must learn and assimilate during the novitiate.


Abbreviations Used

1. Documents of Vatican II

AA                   Decree Apostolicam Actuositatem on the apostolate of the laity    (1965) 

DV       Constitution Dei Verbum on divine revelation (1965)

GS                   Constitution Gaudium et Spes on the Church in the modern world(1965)

LG       Constitution Lumen Gentium on the Church (1964)

OT       Decree Optatam Totius on priestly formation (1965)

PC                   Decree Perfectae Caritatis on the proper renewal of religious life(1965)

PO                   Decree Presbyterorum Ordinis on the ministry and life of priests(1965)

SC       Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium on the Sacred Liturgy

UR       Decree Unitatis Redintegratio (1964)

2. Papal Documents

2.1. Paul VI

EN       Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi (1975)

ET       Apostolic Exhortation Evangelica Testificatio (1971)

MC      Apostolic Exhortation Marialis Cultus (1974)

2.2. John Paul II

EEVR              Essential Elements of the Church’s Teaching on Religious Life  (1983)

PDV    Apostolic Exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis (1992)

RD       Apostolic Exhortation Redemptionis Donum (1984)

VC       Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation Vita Consecrata (1996)

3. Documents of the Holy See

AAS                 Acta Apostolicae Sedis

CDC                 Instruction Caminar desde Cristo (Journeying out of Christ) (2002)

CIC     Code of Canon Law (1917, 1983)

DPVIP             Development of Pastoral Care of Vocations in Paticulare Churches: Past Experiences and Projects for the Future (1981). 2nd Intenrational Congress of Bishops and others responsible for vocations in the Church.

IBI                   Pontifical Biblical Commission: Interpretation of the Bible in the Church (1993)

MR      Document Mutuae Relationes (1978)

PI        Instruction Potissimum Institutioni (1990)

RC       Instruction Renovationis Causam (1969)

RI        Instruction Religiosorum Institutio (1961)

VC                   John Paul II: Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation Vita Consecrata (1996)

VFC                Document La vida fraterna en comunidad (Fraternal Life in Community) (1994)

4. Documents of Bishops’ Conferences

SD       Documents. Santo Domingo (1992).

5. Writings of the Founder

Aut      Autobiography

API                  Apuntes de un Plan para conservar la hermosura de la Iglesia (Points of a Plan to Preserve the Beauty of the Church, Madrid 1865, 260 pgs.

Cl                    El Colegial o seminarista instruido (The Instructed College Student or Seminarian), Barcelona 1861, t.2, 526 pgs.

CMT               Carta al misionero Teófilo (Letter to the Missionary Teófilo, Barcelona 1858: EE 341-367.

CPP                 Carta Pastoral al Pueblo (Pastoral Letter to the People) (1853)

EA       Escritos Autobiográficos (Autobiographical Writings) (1981)

EAE                  Escritos Autobiográficos y Espirituales (Autobiographical and Spiritual Writings) (1959)

EC       Epistolario Claretiano (Claretian Letters)(1970, 1987)

EE       Escritos Espirituales (Spiritual Writings)(1985)

PCle                Pastoral al Clero (Letter to the Clergy), Santiago de Cuba 1852, 84 pp. And Appendix of 1855.

PSM                “Monasterio de El Escorial. Plan de estudios para los Seminarios”: Miscelánea interesante (“The Monastery of El Escorial. Plan of Studies for Seminarians”: An Interesting Miscellany), 338 pp.

RCS                 “Reglas del Instituto de los Clérigos seglares que viven en comunidad”: Miscelánea interesante (“Rules for the Institute of Secular Clergy That Live in Community”: An Interesting Miscellany), Barcelona 1865, 338 pp.

RFCMF           Reglamento para los Aspirantes, Probandos y Estudiantes de nuestra Congregación y sus respectivos Maestros (Rule for Aspirants, Those Being Tested and Students in our Congregation and Their Respective Directors), 1862. Published by the General Prefecture of Formation: Cuadernos de Formación  Claretiana, nn. 1-2. Rome, 1987 and 1988.

6. Documents of the Congregation

1AP     Decree on the Apostolate (1967)

1F        Decree on Formation (1967)

1HH    Decree on Brothers (1967)

1VR     Decree on Religious Life (1967)

2RG    Decree on Government (1973)

2VR     Decree on Religious Life (1973)

AG CMF         Claretian General Archive

CA       Open Letter to the Congregation (1973)

CC       Constitutions CMF (1986)

CCTT  Constitutions and Texts CMF (1972)

CIA                 Codex Iuris Addictitii (Code of Additional Law) (1925, 1940, 1953).

ColCC Colection of Circular Letters CMF (1941)

CPR     The Claretian in the Process of Congregational Renewal (1985)

CVD    Claretian Vocation Diectory (1999)

DC       Declaration on the Charism (1967)

Dir       Directory CMF (1999)

GPF     General Plan of Formation (1994)

IMW   Initiation into the Ministry of the Word (1997)

IPM     In Prophetic Mission (1997)

MCT   The Mission of the Claretian Today (1979)

MI       Decree on Non-Christian Missions (1967)

OMS    Our Missionary Spirituality (2002)

OSG                Ordo Studiorum Generalis (General Order of Studies) (1929, 1959)

PE       Declaration on the Spiritual Patrimony (1967)

PAV    Apostolic Process in Vic

PIB      Informative Process in Barcelona

PIC      Informative Process in Cuba

PIT      Informative Process in Tarragona

PIV      Informative Process in Vic

RDV                Resumen alfabético de las disposiciones vigentes (Alphabetic Summary of Regulations in Force) (1897)

SW      Servants of the Word (1991)

7. Circular Letters of the Superiors General

CF       G. Alonso, Claretians in Formation (1990)

HMC               A. Leghisa, The Heart of Mary and the Congregation Today (1978)

IP                    A. Bocos, Inheritance and Prophecy (1998)

MT                  A. Bocos, Missionary Testament of Our Martyrs (1992)

MVTM            A. Bocos, Missionary Vocations for the Third Millennium (2001)

RCC                G. Alonso, The Revised Constitutions(1982)

RMCF              N. García, Religious, Missionary and Claretian Formation (1947)

TRMC A. Bocos, Toward a Renewed Missionary Commitment (1994)

8. Other Abbreviations

EsC     Fr. José Xifré, The Spirit of the Congregation (1880)

OPML             Our Project of Missionary Life I-II-III (Commentaries on the Constitutions)(1989, 1991, 1997)